Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background,Contents,Purpose and Significance
1.2 John Maxwell Coetzee and His Works
1.3 Synopsis of Disgrace
1.4 Methodology and Structure of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Previous Studies on Disgrace at Home
2.2 Previous Studies on Disgrace Abroad
2.3 Discussion
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
3.1 Definition of Post-colonial Theory
3.2 Homi K.Bhabha's Interpretation on Cultural Identity
3.3 Frantz Fanon's Racial Trauma Theory
Chapter Four Clash between the White and the Black
4.1 Clash between the White and the Black
4.1.1 Conflicts in Lifestyle
4.1.2 Conflicts in Language
4.1.3 Conflicts in Value
4.2 Summary
Chapter Five Exchange of Power between the White and the Black
5.1 Declining Power of the White
5.1.1 Lurie's Sexual Relationship Control on Soraya
5.1.2 Lurie's Sexual Relationship Control on Melanie Isaacs
5.1.3 Lurie's Sexual Relationship Control on Bev Shaw
5.2 Rising Power of the Black
5.2.1 Melanie's Resistance on Lurie
5.2.2 Petrus's Revenge on Lucy and Lurie
5.3 Summary
Chapter Six Loss and Pursuit of Cultural Identity
6.1 Loss of Cultural Identity
6.1.1 Loss of Lurie's Cultural Identity
6.1.2 Loss of Lucy's Cultural Identity
6.2 Pursuit of Cultural Identity
6.2.1 Lurie's Search for His Cultural Identity
6.2.2 Lucy's Search for Her Cultural Identity
6.3 Summary
Chapter Seven Conclusion
7.1 Overview of the Thesis
7.2 Limitation and Foreground
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