Chapter One Spaces in Wells’Science Fiction
1.1 Diversity of Spatial Functionality
1.1.1 Living Spaces
1.1.2 Production Spaces
1.1.3 Power Spaces
1.2 Complexity of Spatial Dimensionality
1.2.1 Spatial Temporality
1.2.2 Spatial Location
1.2.3 Orderliness of Space
Chapter Two Multi-Level Spatial Construction in Wells’Science Fiction..
2.1 Various Forms of Topographical Construction
2.1.1 Spatial Boundary:Fuzzy Human-Animal Boundary in The Island of Dr.Moreau
2.1.2 Spatial Scale:The Expansion of Production Spaces in The Time Machine
2.1.3 Spatial Level:Imperialist Centralism in The War of the Worlds
2.2 Diverse Methods of Textual Construction
2.2.1 Spatial Representation:The Unity of Romantic and Realistic Expression
2.2.2 Spatial Juxtaposition:The Combination of Fictional Space and Real Space
2.2.3 Spatial Palimpsest:The Blending of History and Spaces
2.3 Comprehensive Chronotopic Construction
2.3.1 Time Shapes Space
2.3.2 Space Remolds Time
2.3.3 Union of Time and Space
Chapter Three Modernity of Spatial Construction in Wells’Science Fiction
3.1 Industrial Modern Spatial Representation
3.1.1 Railways as Links between Cities and the Countryside
3.1.2 Slums as the Ambition and Vengefulness of the Bourgeois
3.1.3 Ruins as Intersections between the Past and the Future
3.2 Increasing Modern Spatial Crisis
3.2.1 Capital and Power Dominated Spaces
3.2.2 The Lack of Spatial Justice
3.2.3 Failure of Spatial Communication
3.3 The Modern Spatial Experience of Numbness
3.3.1 The Materialization of the Body
3.3.2 The Spatialisation of Memory
3.3.3 The Degeneration of Humanity
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