发布时间:2020-12-10 16:35
将《高文爵士和绿色骑士》作为样本来研究中世纪“骑士精神”并非罕见。科恩(Maurice Keen,1933-)对“骑士精神”的定义是“骑士团体或阶层所尊崇的价值观的精华”。(Keen 2)亨萧(F.J.C.Hearnshaw,1869-1946)认为“骑士精神”广义上是指“中世纪末期的整个骑士体系,包括其独特的宗教,道德和社会行为规范”。(Hearnshaw 1-2)戴维斯(W.C.Davis,1874-1928)表明,“骑士精神”指的就是“11世纪及后来的几个世纪嫁植于封建社会的独特而奇妙的礼节与道德规范”。(Davis 106)可见,骑士精神的核心内容就是指西方中世纪骑士团体的行为道德规范。然而,通过文本对这种价值道德体系的研究批评尚有不足之处。一,以往的批评将“骑士精神”等同于“骑士行为美德”,“骑士精神”被理解为“忠诚”、“礼貌”、“谦卑”、“武力”等等骑士美德的总和。这种仅仅将“骑士精神”分解成诸美德的研究方法简化了对一个复杂的价值体系的理解,忽视了在表层现象之下的错综复杂的影响到个人价值判断的社会政治力量。二,主流批评一直认同中世纪文学研究专家惠增格(J.Huizinga,...
【文章来源】:华东师范大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:193 页
Chapter One—Toward the Poetics of "pe endeles knot"
1.Dynamics of "Trawpe"—Hierarchical Discipline
2.The Christian Rhetoric
3."Luf-talking"—Courtly Discourse
Chapter Two—Threefold Schism in Chivalric Ideology
1.Paradigmatic Heroes and Sir Gawain as a Pentangle Hero
2.Threefold Schism in Chivalric Ideology
Chapter Three—Chivalry under Siege
1.The Contestation between Self and Chivalric Ideology
2.Camelot and Hautdesert—the Two Worlds
3.Voice of Morgan
Chapter Four—"pe lasse I yow blame"—A Poet of Humanity
1.The Gawain-poet's Anonymity and His Triple Identities
2.The Gawain-poet's Attitude toward Chivalry
3."Pe lasse I yow blame"—A Poet of Humanity
Chapter Five—From Pattern to Individual:The New Configurations of Romance
1.From Action to Psyche—the Emergence of an Inner Man
2.From Perfect to Imperfect—the Breach of Dualism in Character-building
3.From Fancy to Real—the Gawain-poet's Realism and Its Ideological Function
4.From Happy to Transcendental—On the Open Ending
Selected Bibliography
【文章来源】:华东师范大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:193 页
Chapter One—Toward the Poetics of "pe endeles knot"
1.Dynamics of "Trawpe"—Hierarchical Discipline
2.The Christian Rhetoric
3."Luf-talking"—Courtly Discourse
Chapter Two—Threefold Schism in Chivalric Ideology
1.Paradigmatic Heroes and Sir Gawain as a Pentangle Hero
2.Threefold Schism in Chivalric Ideology
Chapter Three—Chivalry under Siege
1.The Contestation between Self and Chivalric Ideology
2.Camelot and Hautdesert—the Two Worlds
3.Voice of Morgan
Chapter Four—"pe lasse I yow blame"—A Poet of Humanity
1.The Gawain-poet's Anonymity and His Triple Identities
2.The Gawain-poet's Attitude toward Chivalry
3."Pe lasse I yow blame"—A Poet of Humanity
Chapter Five—From Pattern to Individual:The New Configurations of Romance
1.From Action to Psyche—the Emergence of an Inner Man
2.From Perfect to Imperfect—the Breach of Dualism in Character-building
3.From Fancy to Real—the Gawain-poet's Realism and Its Ideological Function
4.From Happy to Transcendental—On the Open Ending
Selected Bibliography