发布时间:2020-12-19 10:30
【文章来源】:上海交通大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:89 页
1.A nthony Trollope and his The Prime Minister
2.Literature Review
3.Structure of the thesis
Chapter One Women’s Conventional Role and Position in the Victorian Age
1.1 Women?s conventional role and position in reality
1.2 Dickens and Thackeray?s attitudes towards women?s role and position
Chapter Two Women’s Duty: The Spiritual Support for Women’s Seeking of Autonomy and Self-fulfillment
2.1 Different attitudes towards the role and position as a woman
2.1.1 Emily: accepting the role and position as a woman
2.1.2 Lady Glencora: resisting the role and position as a woman
2.2 Emily's conception of duty as a daughter and a wife
2.2.1 Emily's duty as expected by her father and her husband
2.2.2 Emily's understanding of duty
2.3 Lady Glencora's conception of duty as a wife
2.3.1 The duty as expected by the Prime Minister
2.3.2 Lady Glencora's understanding of duty
Chapter Three Domestic life: Seeking Spiritual Autonomy
3.1 Emily's seeking of autonomy in choosing a husband
3.2 Emily's rebellion against the tyranny of Lopez
3.3 Emily's resistance to the control of her father
Chapter Four Public Life: Showing Sympathy to Female’s Political Attempts
4.1 Lady Glencora's political ambition
4.2 Lady Glencora's political interference
4.2.1 Her extravagant political parties
4.2.2 Her exertion of influence on electoral affairs
[1]维多利亚盛世的女性悲歌——狄更斯与萨克雷笔下的女性群象[J]. 李鸿泉. 外国文学研究. 1994(03)
【文章来源】:上海交通大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:89 页
1.A nthony Trollope and his The Prime Minister
2.Literature Review
3.Structure of the thesis
Chapter One Women’s Conventional Role and Position in the Victorian Age
1.1 Women?s conventional role and position in reality
1.2 Dickens and Thackeray?s attitudes towards women?s role and position
Chapter Two Women’s Duty: The Spiritual Support for Women’s Seeking of Autonomy and Self-fulfillment
2.1 Different attitudes towards the role and position as a woman
2.1.1 Emily: accepting the role and position as a woman
2.1.2 Lady Glencora: resisting the role and position as a woman
2.2 Emily's conception of duty as a daughter and a wife
2.2.1 Emily's duty as expected by her father and her husband
2.2.2 Emily's understanding of duty
2.3 Lady Glencora's conception of duty as a wife
2.3.1 The duty as expected by the Prime Minister
2.3.2 Lady Glencora's understanding of duty
Chapter Three Domestic life: Seeking Spiritual Autonomy
3.1 Emily's seeking of autonomy in choosing a husband
3.2 Emily's rebellion against the tyranny of Lopez
3.3 Emily's resistance to the control of her father
Chapter Four Public Life: Showing Sympathy to Female’s Political Attempts
4.1 Lady Glencora's political ambition
4.2 Lady Glencora's political interference
4.2.1 Her extravagant political parties
4.2.2 Her exertion of influence on electoral affairs
[1]维多利亚盛世的女性悲歌——狄更斯与萨克雷笔下的女性群象[J]. 李鸿泉. 外国文学研究. 1994(03)