发布时间:2021-01-11 09:13
【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:60 页
1. Introduction
1.1 Ford and The Good Soldier
1.2 Literature review
1.3 Impressionism: from painting to literature
1.4 Focus and structure of the thesis
2. Ford's View of Trueness
2.1 Essence of Ford's conception of trueness
2.1.1 Trueness as subjective understanding of the object
2.1.2 Trueness as "the impression of the moment"
2.2 Reasons for Ford's pursuit of trueness
2.2.1 Alienation caused by the Industrial Revolution
2.2.2 Collapse of faith caused by new philosophies of human beings
3. The Theme of Pursuit of Trueness in The Good Soldier
3.1 Revelation of the complexity of human nature
3.2 Emphasis on the uncertainty of the past
3.3 Demonstration of social disorder
4. Thematic Expression through Literary Impressionism
4.1 Reflecting subjective emotions through sensual descriptions
4.1.1 Use of light and colors
4.1.2 Drawing on the sense of hearing
4.1.3 Summary
4.2 Creating "the impression of the moment" through narrative techniques
4.2.1 Repetitive narration
4.2.2 Restricted narrative perspective
4.2.3 Anachronism
5. Conclusion
[1]对色彩的认识:从感性到科学的过程[J]. 林凤生. 自然杂志. 2017(01)
[2]道德沦丧时代下的悲剧——从文学伦理学视角看《好兵》中的道德困境[J]. 朱华根. 牡丹. 2016(14)
[3]文学印象主义[J]. 孙晓青. 外国文学. 2015(04)
[4]印象主义诗学的审美价值取向——以美国诗人威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯为例[J]. 李慧. 求索. 2014(06)
[5]从绘画到文学和音乐——简评法国印象主义的发展[J]. 沈鸿雁. 安徽文学(下半月). 2009(09)
[6]福特小说《好兵》之经典叙事学研究[J]. 高继海. 外国文学. 2006(04)
[7]福特的印象主义与约瑟夫·康拉德[J]. 赵海平. 国外文学. 2006(01)
[8]西方文学真实性内涵的现代发展[J]. 刘雪芹. 求索. 2002(05)
[9]边沁与穆勒的功利主义思想之比较[J]. 肖凤良,伍世文. 广东农工商管理干部学院学报. 2000(04)
【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:60 页
1. Introduction
1.1 Ford and The Good Soldier
1.2 Literature review
1.3 Impressionism: from painting to literature
1.4 Focus and structure of the thesis
2. Ford's View of Trueness
2.1 Essence of Ford's conception of trueness
2.1.1 Trueness as subjective understanding of the object
2.1.2 Trueness as "the impression of the moment"
2.2 Reasons for Ford's pursuit of trueness
2.2.1 Alienation caused by the Industrial Revolution
2.2.2 Collapse of faith caused by new philosophies of human beings
3. The Theme of Pursuit of Trueness in The Good Soldier
3.1 Revelation of the complexity of human nature
3.2 Emphasis on the uncertainty of the past
3.3 Demonstration of social disorder
4. Thematic Expression through Literary Impressionism
4.1 Reflecting subjective emotions through sensual descriptions
4.1.1 Use of light and colors
4.1.2 Drawing on the sense of hearing
4.1.3 Summary
4.2 Creating "the impression of the moment" through narrative techniques
4.2.1 Repetitive narration
4.2.2 Restricted narrative perspective
4.2.3 Anachronism
5. Conclusion
[1]对色彩的认识:从感性到科学的过程[J]. 林凤生. 自然杂志. 2017(01)
[2]道德沦丧时代下的悲剧——从文学伦理学视角看《好兵》中的道德困境[J]. 朱华根. 牡丹. 2016(14)
[3]文学印象主义[J]. 孙晓青. 外国文学. 2015(04)
[4]印象主义诗学的审美价值取向——以美国诗人威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯为例[J]. 李慧. 求索. 2014(06)
[5]从绘画到文学和音乐——简评法国印象主义的发展[J]. 沈鸿雁. 安徽文学(下半月). 2009(09)
[6]福特小说《好兵》之经典叙事学研究[J]. 高继海. 外国文学. 2006(04)
[7]福特的印象主义与约瑟夫·康拉德[J]. 赵海平. 国外文学. 2006(01)
[8]西方文学真实性内涵的现代发展[J]. 刘雪芹. 求索. 2002(05)
[9]边沁与穆勒的功利主义思想之比较[J]. 肖凤良,伍世文. 广东农工商管理干部学院学报. 2000(04)