发布时间:2021-01-23 19:31
【文章来源】:延边大学吉林省 211工程院校
【文章页数】:67 页
Ⅰ. Introduction
A. A Brief Introduction to Zadie Smith and Her Novels
B. Literature Review at Abroad and Home
C. Method, Purpose and Significance of the Thesis
Ⅱ. Space and Colonial Discourse
A. London-The Embodiment of Power
1. Urban Space Media of Colonial Subject
2. Land-Symbol of Power
B. Kingston-The Sign of Imperialism
1. The King's House-Copy of British Monarch
2. Status of Victoria-Majesty of British Empire
Ⅲ. Space and Social Differentiation
A. Space of Discipline
1. School-----Discipline and Punishment of Ethnics
2. Home-Adversarial relationships of Families
B. Space of Marginalization
1. Palace-Racial Discrimination on Black Men
2. O'Connell's Pooh House-Home From Home of Men
Ⅳ. Space of Resistance and Hope
A. Space of Resistance
1. Iqbals' Home-Battlefield of Alsana
2. Trafalgar Square-Disintegration of Dominant Ideology
B. Space of Hope
1. Basement Flat- The Third Space of Irie
2. Air Vent The Free Space of Life
Ⅴ. Conclusion
【文章来源】:延边大学吉林省 211工程院校
【文章页数】:67 页
Ⅰ. Introduction
A. A Brief Introduction to Zadie Smith and Her Novels
B. Literature Review at Abroad and Home
C. Method, Purpose and Significance of the Thesis
Ⅱ. Space and Colonial Discourse
A. London-The Embodiment of Power
1. Urban Space Media of Colonial Subject
2. Land-Symbol of Power
B. Kingston-The Sign of Imperialism
1. The King's House-Copy of British Monarch
2. Status of Victoria-Majesty of British Empire
Ⅲ. Space and Social Differentiation
A. Space of Discipline
1. School-----Discipline and Punishment of Ethnics
2. Home-Adversarial relationships of Families
B. Space of Marginalization
1. Palace-Racial Discrimination on Black Men
2. O'Connell's Pooh House-Home From Home of Men
Ⅳ. Space of Resistance and Hope
A. Space of Resistance
1. Iqbals' Home-Battlefield of Alsana
2. Trafalgar Square-Disintegration of Dominant Ideology
B. Space of Hope
1. Basement Flat- The Third Space of Irie
2. Air Vent The Free Space of Life
Ⅴ. Conclusion