发布时间:2021-02-23 14:02
布克小说奖获得者—格雷厄姆·斯威夫特是当代英国一位声名鹊起的作家。斯威夫特已经完成九部小说,作品也被翻译成三十多种语言。他擅长以人物命运反映时代变迁。在其小说《唯愿你在此》中,作家以想象、比喻、意象等手法描述普通民众的焦虑、困惑和苦难。小说展现了作家繁复的写作手法。故事以艾莉离家出走开始,到她返家结束,整个时间跨度只有两个小时。除了这个核心故事之外,嵌套着过去两天内杰克经历的一个旅程,再加上杰克对自己生命的回顾,以及前一代家庭的故事。小说中回忆、猜想、幻觉与解释巧妙地交织在一起。格雷厄姆·斯威夫特的《唯愿你在此》是一部创伤小说,创伤经历的特殊性决定了其叙事的特点。本文借助拉卡普拉对创伤经历与叙事的分析,将小说人物创伤经历的再现分为三类:规避、展演和安度,展现小说的叙事手法、叙事风格及叙事功能,旨在帮助读者理解作品中的创伤人物,了解创伤事件的本质,激发读者对创伤事件及受创者的同情及伦理关怀。本文由引言、正文和结束语三部分组成。引言部分概括地介绍斯威夫特的文学生涯和文学成就、国内外的研究现状、理论框架及本论文的基本结构。正文部分根据拉卡普拉(Dominick Lacapra)的创伤叙事理论...
【文章来源】:东南大学江苏省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:58 页
Graham Swift and Wish You Were Here
Literature Review
Theoretic Framework
Thesis Structure
Chapter One Narrative of Trauma Evasion
1.1 Narrative technique in trauma evasion
1.1.1 Grand narrative in trauma evasion
1.2 Ambiguity in narrative of trauma evasion
1.3 Emotional functions of narrative in trauma evasion
1.3.1 The Stimulation of confusion of self-identity
1.3.2 The breeding of the sense of loss
Chapter Two Narrative of Trauma Acting-out
2.1 Narrative technique in trauma acting-out
2.1.1 Unaccountable narrative in trauma acting-out
2.2 Fragmentation in narrative of trauma acting-out
2.3 Emotional functions of narrative in trauma acting-out
2.3.1 The emergence of sentimentalism
2.3.2 The generation of disguised tranquility
Chapter Three Narrative of Trauma Working-through
3.1 Narrative technique in trauma working-through
3.1.1 Carnival narrative in trauma working-through
3.2 Explicitness in narrative of trauma working-through
3.3 Cognitive Functions of narrative in trauma working-through
3.3.1 The status of autism
3.3.2 The transformation from autism to altruism
Works Cited
[1]用故事建构历史——格雷厄姆·斯威夫特《洼地》的新历史主义解读[J]. 王艳萍. 国外文学. 2017(03)
[2]论斯威夫特小说《愿你在此》的创伤内涵[J]. 赵雪娇,田祥斌. 三峡大学学报(人文社会科学版). 2014(05)
[3]格雷厄姆·斯威夫特《唯愿你在此》中的空间释读[J]. 丁冬,杨金才. 外国文学研究. 2014(04)
[4]质疑“进步”话语:三部英国小说简析[J]. 殷企平. 浙江师范大学学报. 2006(02)
[5]格雷厄姆·斯威夫特小说《洼地》的动态互文研究[J]. 金佳. 当代外国文学. 2004(02)
【文章来源】:东南大学江苏省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:58 页
Graham Swift and Wish You Were Here
Literature Review
Theoretic Framework
Thesis Structure
Chapter One Narrative of Trauma Evasion
1.1 Narrative technique in trauma evasion
1.1.1 Grand narrative in trauma evasion
1.2 Ambiguity in narrative of trauma evasion
1.3 Emotional functions of narrative in trauma evasion
1.3.1 The Stimulation of confusion of self-identity
1.3.2 The breeding of the sense of loss
Chapter Two Narrative of Trauma Acting-out
2.1 Narrative technique in trauma acting-out
2.1.1 Unaccountable narrative in trauma acting-out
2.2 Fragmentation in narrative of trauma acting-out
2.3 Emotional functions of narrative in trauma acting-out
2.3.1 The emergence of sentimentalism
2.3.2 The generation of disguised tranquility
Chapter Three Narrative of Trauma Working-through
3.1 Narrative technique in trauma working-through
3.1.1 Carnival narrative in trauma working-through
3.2 Explicitness in narrative of trauma working-through
3.3 Cognitive Functions of narrative in trauma working-through
3.3.1 The status of autism
3.3.2 The transformation from autism to altruism
Works Cited
[1]用故事建构历史——格雷厄姆·斯威夫特《洼地》的新历史主义解读[J]. 王艳萍. 国外文学. 2017(03)
[2]论斯威夫特小说《愿你在此》的创伤内涵[J]. 赵雪娇,田祥斌. 三峡大学学报(人文社会科学版). 2014(05)
[3]格雷厄姆·斯威夫特《唯愿你在此》中的空间释读[J]. 丁冬,杨金才. 外国文学研究. 2014(04)
[4]质疑“进步”话语:三部英国小说简析[J]. 殷企平. 浙江师范大学学报. 2006(02)
[5]格雷厄姆·斯威夫特小说《洼地》的动态互文研究[J]. 金佳. 当代外国文学. 2004(02)