发布时间:2021-03-05 14:49
保罗·奥斯特(Paul Auster,1947-)被视为美国当代最勇于创新的小说家之一,其作品蕴含着丰富的哲学思想。2002年,他的第十部小说《幻影书》发表。该小说充满了哲学思辨,被视为其最成熟的作品之一。小说中,主要人物戴维·齐默与海克特·曼前后的欲望与主体身份的变化与法国后现代主义哲学家德勒兹和伽塔里提出的精神分裂分析理论存在诸多契合之处。本论文将运用精神分裂分析理论解读小说《幻影书》,研究小说主要人物的欲望与身份的变化。本文分为五个部分,第一部分介绍保罗·奥斯特及其作品《幻影书》;第二部分在对比精神分裂分析理论与精神分析理论的基础之上,阐释了精神分裂分析理论的几个核心概念:欲望机器、精神分裂主体、无器官身体、解辖域化等;第三部分从欲望生成角度出发,结合小说分别论述戴维·齐默与海克特·曼各自产生的渴望逃离现实世界以及渴望救赎的欲望;第四部分从欲望流动角度出发,论述在不同欲望的驱动下,小说主人公最终摆脱束缚,逐渐脱离社会的限制;结论部分,总结全文,指出小说《幻影书》中,戴维·齐默与海克特·曼在各种偶然事件作用下,分别生成了渴望逃离现实世界与渴望自我救赎的欲望,在这些欲望的驱动下,他们...
【文章页数】:44 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Paul Auster and The Book of Illusions
1.1.1 Paul Auster
1.1.2 The Book of Illusions
1.2 Literature Review
1.3 Layout of the Thesis
Chapter Two Theoretical Framework
2.1 Schizoanalysis Theory
2.1.1 Development and Main Features
2.1.2 A Subversion of Psychoanalysis Theory
2.2 Main Concepts
2.2.1 Desiring Machine and Desiring Production
2.2.2 Schizophrenic Subjects
2.2.3 The Body without Organs
2.2.4 Deterritorialization
Chapter Three The Emergence of Desires in The Book of Illusions
3.1 Desiring Machine
3.1.1 From Desire Being a Lack to Productive Desire
3.1.2 Desiring Machines in The Book of Illusions
3.2 Schizophrenic Subjects
3.2.1 Schizophrenic Subjects: a Schizoid Process
3.2.2 Schizophrenic Subjects in The Book of Illusions
Chapter Four The Flow of Desires in The Book of Illusions
4.1 The Body without Organs
4.1.1 Bw O and Psychoanalysis: Breaking Fetters of Psychoanalysis
4.1.2 Bw O in The Book of Illusions
4.2 Deterritorialization and Schizoanalysis
4.2.1 Deterritorialization: a Constant Flow
4.2.2 Deterritorialization Reflected in The Book of Illusions
Chapter Five Conclusion
附录1 攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文
附录2 攻读硕士学位期间参加的科研项目
【文章页数】:44 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Paul Auster and The Book of Illusions
1.1.1 Paul Auster
1.1.2 The Book of Illusions
1.2 Literature Review
1.3 Layout of the Thesis
Chapter Two Theoretical Framework
2.1 Schizoanalysis Theory
2.1.1 Development and Main Features
2.1.2 A Subversion of Psychoanalysis Theory
2.2 Main Concepts
2.2.1 Desiring Machine and Desiring Production
2.2.2 Schizophrenic Subjects
2.2.3 The Body without Organs
2.2.4 Deterritorialization
Chapter Three The Emergence of Desires in The Book of Illusions
3.1 Desiring Machine
3.1.1 From Desire Being a Lack to Productive Desire
3.1.2 Desiring Machines in The Book of Illusions
3.2 Schizophrenic Subjects
3.2.1 Schizophrenic Subjects: a Schizoid Process
3.2.2 Schizophrenic Subjects in The Book of Illusions
Chapter Four The Flow of Desires in The Book of Illusions
4.1 The Body without Organs
4.1.1 Bw O and Psychoanalysis: Breaking Fetters of Psychoanalysis
4.1.2 Bw O in The Book of Illusions
4.2 Deterritorialization and Schizoanalysis
4.2.1 Deterritorialization: a Constant Flow
4.2.2 Deterritorialization Reflected in The Book of Illusions
Chapter Five Conclusion
附录1 攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文
附录2 攻读硕士学位期间参加的科研项目