发布时间:2021-07-22 21:50
【文章页数】:74 页
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction to John Steinbeck and East of Eden
1.1.1 An Introduction to John Steinbeck
1.1.2 An Introduction to East of Eden
1.2 Previous Research on East of Eden at home and abroad
1.2.1 Previous Research on East of Eden abroad
1.2.2 Previous Research on Steinbeck and East of Eden at Home
1.3 Theory of Ethical Literary Criticism
1.4 Purpose,Significance and Structure of the Thesis
Chapter2 Family Ethical Crisis in the Trasks
2.1 The Disharmonious Conjugal Relationship
2.1.1 The Unequal Marriage
2.1.2 The Loveless Marriage
2.2 The Alienated Intergenerational Relationship
2.2.1 The Egoistic Father and the Suppressed Children
2.2.2 The Absent Mother and Children Yearning for Love
2.3 The Paradoxical Brotherhood
2.3.1 The Cain-Abel Pattern
2.3.2 The Estrangement of Brothers
Chapter3 Causes of Family Ethical Crisis in the Trasks
3.1 Social Factors
3.1.1 The Oppression of Patriarchy
3.1.2 The Influence of War
3.2 Individual Factors
3.2.1 The Indulgence of Free Will
3.2.2 The Lack of Family Education
Chapter4 Steinbeck’s Pursuit and Construction of Family Ethics
4.1 Salvation by Ethical Selection
4.2 Construction of the Anti-Trask Family
4.3 Harmonious Family Ethics Presented by Narrative Strategies
Chapter5 Conclusion
[1]《伊甸之东》中独特的道德观[J]. 魏蔚. 吉林省教育学院学报. 2018(03)
[2]论《伊甸之东》中“自然人”的塑写[J]. 张树娟. 重庆交通大学学报(社会科学版). 2015(01)
[3]一种批评理论的兴起:《文学伦理学批评导论》解读(英文)[J]. 尚必武. 外国文学研究. 2014(05)
[4]自由意志与道德责任的相反命题——约翰·斯坦贝克《伊甸之东》的伦理困惑[J]. 蔡荣寿. 外国文学评论. 2014(03)
[5]《伊甸之东》中女性形象之新解[J]. 张树娟,张莹波. 安徽理工大学学报(社会科学版). 2014(02)
[6]基督教伦理思想在斯坦贝克小说中的体现——以《伊甸之东》为例[J]. 安蔷. 凯里学院学报. 2014(01)
[7]精神生态视阈下的《伊甸之东》[J]. 张树娟,张莹波. 常州工学院学报(社科版). 2013(05)
[8]《伊甸之东》中的母亲形象解析[J]. 陈绍恋. 牡丹江师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版). 2011(03)
[9]“迷茫时代”的道德歌手——约翰·斯坦贝克小说的伦理叙事[J]. 田俊武. 外语教学. 2011(01)
[10]通往伊甸之路——斯坦贝克女性描写所传达的主题探析[J]. 蔡青,张洪伟. 外语学刊. 2010(06)
[1]约翰·斯坦贝克小说的伦理思想[D]. 王雪.华东师范大学 2016
[1]《伊甸之东》中的伦理困惑与救赎之路[D]. 明丽.西南大学 2016
[2]西部女性自由路的探寻[D]. 时胜楠.四川外语学院 2012
【文章页数】:74 页
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction to John Steinbeck and East of Eden
1.1.1 An Introduction to John Steinbeck
1.1.2 An Introduction to East of Eden
1.2 Previous Research on East of Eden at home and abroad
1.2.1 Previous Research on East of Eden abroad
1.2.2 Previous Research on Steinbeck and East of Eden at Home
1.3 Theory of Ethical Literary Criticism
1.4 Purpose,Significance and Structure of the Thesis
Chapter2 Family Ethical Crisis in the Trasks
2.1 The Disharmonious Conjugal Relationship
2.1.1 The Unequal Marriage
2.1.2 The Loveless Marriage
2.2 The Alienated Intergenerational Relationship
2.2.1 The Egoistic Father and the Suppressed Children
2.2.2 The Absent Mother and Children Yearning for Love
2.3 The Paradoxical Brotherhood
2.3.1 The Cain-Abel Pattern
2.3.2 The Estrangement of Brothers
Chapter3 Causes of Family Ethical Crisis in the Trasks
3.1 Social Factors
3.1.1 The Oppression of Patriarchy
3.1.2 The Influence of War
3.2 Individual Factors
3.2.1 The Indulgence of Free Will
3.2.2 The Lack of Family Education
Chapter4 Steinbeck’s Pursuit and Construction of Family Ethics
4.1 Salvation by Ethical Selection
4.2 Construction of the Anti-Trask Family
4.3 Harmonious Family Ethics Presented by Narrative Strategies
Chapter5 Conclusion
[1]《伊甸之东》中独特的道德观[J]. 魏蔚. 吉林省教育学院学报. 2018(03)
[2]论《伊甸之东》中“自然人”的塑写[J]. 张树娟. 重庆交通大学学报(社会科学版). 2015(01)
[3]一种批评理论的兴起:《文学伦理学批评导论》解读(英文)[J]. 尚必武. 外国文学研究. 2014(05)
[4]自由意志与道德责任的相反命题——约翰·斯坦贝克《伊甸之东》的伦理困惑[J]. 蔡荣寿. 外国文学评论. 2014(03)
[5]《伊甸之东》中女性形象之新解[J]. 张树娟,张莹波. 安徽理工大学学报(社会科学版). 2014(02)
[6]基督教伦理思想在斯坦贝克小说中的体现——以《伊甸之东》为例[J]. 安蔷. 凯里学院学报. 2014(01)
[7]精神生态视阈下的《伊甸之东》[J]. 张树娟,张莹波. 常州工学院学报(社科版). 2013(05)
[8]《伊甸之东》中的母亲形象解析[J]. 陈绍恋. 牡丹江师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版). 2011(03)
[9]“迷茫时代”的道德歌手——约翰·斯坦贝克小说的伦理叙事[J]. 田俊武. 外语教学. 2011(01)
[10]通往伊甸之路——斯坦贝克女性描写所传达的主题探析[J]. 蔡青,张洪伟. 外语学刊. 2010(06)
[1]约翰·斯坦贝克小说的伦理思想[D]. 王雪.华东师范大学 2016
[1]《伊甸之东》中的伦理困惑与救赎之路[D]. 明丽.西南大学 2016
[2]西部女性自由路的探寻[D]. 时胜楠.四川外语学院 2012