发布时间:2021-11-21 12:51
【文章页数】:87 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research background
1.2 Research objectives and significance
1.3 Research procedure
1.4 Layout of dissertation
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Contrastive studies of Chinese and Western mythology
2.1.1 Contrastive studies of god and human characters between Chinese and Western mythologies
2.1.2 Contrastive studies of god’s role shaping between Chinese and Western mythology
2.1.3 Contrastive studies of flood mythology between Chinese and Western mythology
2.2 Studies of value orientation
2.2.1 Studies about value orientation abroad
2.2.2 Studies about value orientation at home
2.3 Summary
Chapter 3 Research Design
3.1 Theoretical foundation
3.1.1 Human Nature Orientation
3.1.2 Person-nature Orientation
3.1.3 Time Orientation
3.1.4 Activity Orientation
3.1.5 Relational Orientation
3.2 Research questions
3.3 Research method
Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Discussion
4.1 Differences of value orientation between Chinese and Western mythologies
4.1.1 Person-nature orientation
4.1.2 Human nature orientation
4.1.3 Relational orientation
4.1.4 Activity orientation
4.1.5 Time orientation
4.1.6 Contrast of Chinese and Western value orientation
4.2 Reasons of the differences between Chinese and West mythologies
4.2.1 Different geographical locations
4.2.2 Different national cultural background
Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Main findings
5.2 Implications
5.3 Limitations of the present study
5.4 Further research suggestions
[1]An Analysis of the Features of British Culture in the Movie Paddington From Kluckhorn, Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s Value Perspective[J]. 王迪. 校园英语. 2017(19)
[2]中西海洋神话的趋同性比较[J]. 谢梅,陈华. 中华文化论坛. 2017(03)
[3]辛克莱《屠场》中移民家庭的价值抉择[J]. 秦丹丹. 北京化工大学学报(社会科学版). 2016(02)
[4]从价值维度的视角分析电影《刮痧》反映的中西文化价值观的差异[J]. 王兰芳,钟玲. 现代语文(学术综合版). 2016(05)
[5]从英美经典文学作品看西方文化价值取向——针对人性的本质及人与自然关系的分析[J]. 杜雪梅. 文艺争鸣. 2016(01)
[6]基于克拉克洪模型的当代大学生价值取向研究[J]. 安秀梅,李京霞. 山西高等学校社会科学学报. 2014(12)
[7]从电影《推手》看中西文化价值观的冲突[J]. 樊瑶. 海外英语. 2014(07)
[8]浅析中国与古希腊神话之“人”的异同[J]. 徐哲,张启龙. 名作欣赏. 2014(06)
[9]中西创世神话之文化折射[J]. 郑梅. 人民论坛. 2013(20)
[10]基于文化视野的中西洪水神话异同比较初探[J]. 马小龙,郭郁烈. 甘肃社会科学. 2013(03)
【文章页数】:87 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research background
1.2 Research objectives and significance
1.3 Research procedure
1.4 Layout of dissertation
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Contrastive studies of Chinese and Western mythology
2.1.1 Contrastive studies of god and human characters between Chinese and Western mythologies
2.1.2 Contrastive studies of god’s role shaping between Chinese and Western mythology
2.1.3 Contrastive studies of flood mythology between Chinese and Western mythology
2.2 Studies of value orientation
2.2.1 Studies about value orientation abroad
2.2.2 Studies about value orientation at home
2.3 Summary
Chapter 3 Research Design
3.1 Theoretical foundation
3.1.1 Human Nature Orientation
3.1.2 Person-nature Orientation
3.1.3 Time Orientation
3.1.4 Activity Orientation
3.1.5 Relational Orientation
3.2 Research questions
3.3 Research method
Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Discussion
4.1 Differences of value orientation between Chinese and Western mythologies
4.1.1 Person-nature orientation
4.1.2 Human nature orientation
4.1.3 Relational orientation
4.1.4 Activity orientation
4.1.5 Time orientation
4.1.6 Contrast of Chinese and Western value orientation
4.2 Reasons of the differences between Chinese and West mythologies
4.2.1 Different geographical locations
4.2.2 Different national cultural background
Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Main findings
5.2 Implications
5.3 Limitations of the present study
5.4 Further research suggestions
[1]An Analysis of the Features of British Culture in the Movie Paddington From Kluckhorn, Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s Value Perspective[J]. 王迪. 校园英语. 2017(19)
[2]中西海洋神话的趋同性比较[J]. 谢梅,陈华. 中华文化论坛. 2017(03)
[3]辛克莱《屠场》中移民家庭的价值抉择[J]. 秦丹丹. 北京化工大学学报(社会科学版). 2016(02)
[4]从价值维度的视角分析电影《刮痧》反映的中西文化价值观的差异[J]. 王兰芳,钟玲. 现代语文(学术综合版). 2016(05)
[5]从英美经典文学作品看西方文化价值取向——针对人性的本质及人与自然关系的分析[J]. 杜雪梅. 文艺争鸣. 2016(01)
[6]基于克拉克洪模型的当代大学生价值取向研究[J]. 安秀梅,李京霞. 山西高等学校社会科学学报. 2014(12)
[7]从电影《推手》看中西文化价值观的冲突[J]. 樊瑶. 海外英语. 2014(07)
[8]浅析中国与古希腊神话之“人”的异同[J]. 徐哲,张启龙. 名作欣赏. 2014(06)
[9]中西创世神话之文化折射[J]. 郑梅. 人民论坛. 2013(20)
[10]基于文化视野的中西洪水神话异同比较初探[J]. 马小龙,郭郁烈. 甘肃社会科学. 2013(03)