发布时间:2023-03-04 23:18
本文通过分析哈罗德·品特的《归于尘土》和《房间》中人物的创伤记忆,概括人物因创伤而表现出的创伤后应激障碍(Post Traumatic Stress Disorder;PTSD),结合犹太民族的特质,追寻其产生的根源,进而制定针对剧中人物(或其代表的当代战后犹太人群体)的创伤复原计划。由于品特塑造的人物特征与PTSD症状高度契合,我们可以用PTSD症状的相关理论分析剧中角色产生这些症状的深层根源。PTSD症状理论与创伤理论的结合应用可以帮助我们更好地解读这两部作品。论文共分为四章。第一章结合有关犹太人的史料和创伤理论阐述了创伤和剧本的关联,并从品特的个人经历和政治主张角度着重分析了品特的作品中出现创伤主题的原因。第二章将《归于尘土》中的Rebecca这一角色解构为受害者、旁观者、参与者三个角色,进而结合其创伤记忆和PTSD症状,分析其所代表的战后犹太人集体创伤。第三章分析《房间》中典型的受害者与闯入者模式,着重探讨以主人公Rose为代表的战后犹太人处理心理创伤的方式以及他们复原失败的原因。第四章从个人因素与集体因素两方面分析了犹太人创伤复原的重要因素,并针对战后犹太人这一群体制定了由回...
【文章页数】:56 页
Chapter One Traumatic Themes in Pinter's plays
1.1 Traumatic Memories
1.1.1 The Origin of Trauma in Pinter's Plays
1.1.2 PTSD of Jews in Pinter's Plays
1.1.3 "Read the Wound"
1.2 Traumatic Memories and Pinter's Plays
1.2.1 Traumatic Memories in Ashes to Ashes
1.2.2 Traumatic Memories in The Room
1.3 Shaping of the Collective Trauma
1.3.1 Anti-Semitism
1.3.2 Religious Persecution
1.3.3 Migration
Chapter Two The Collective Trauma in Ashes to Ashes
2.1 Rebecca as a Victim
2.2 Rebecca as a Bystander
2.3 Rebecca as a Participant
Chapter Three The Enclosed Room
3.1 Self-isolation
3.1.1 Sense of Security in Room
3.1.2 Defense Mechanisms
3.2 Threat of the Intruders
3.2.1 Mr. Kidd as Representative of Insecurity
3.2.2 Mr. Sands as Representative of Displacement
3.3 Failure of Redemption
3.3.1 Messenger of Light
3.3.2 Light Eclipsed
Chapter Four The Jews' Recovery from Trauma
4.1 Individual Factors in Trauma Recovery
4.2 Collective Factors in Trauma Recovery
4.3 Plans for Trauma Recovery
4.3.1 Recalling
4.3.2 Transformation
4.3.3 Redemption
【文章页数】:56 页
Chapter One Traumatic Themes in Pinter's plays
1.1 Traumatic Memories
1.1.1 The Origin of Trauma in Pinter's Plays
1.1.2 PTSD of Jews in Pinter's Plays
1.1.3 "Read the Wound"
1.2 Traumatic Memories and Pinter's Plays
1.2.1 Traumatic Memories in Ashes to Ashes
1.2.2 Traumatic Memories in The Room
1.3 Shaping of the Collective Trauma
1.3.1 Anti-Semitism
1.3.2 Religious Persecution
1.3.3 Migration
Chapter Two The Collective Trauma in Ashes to Ashes
2.1 Rebecca as a Victim
2.2 Rebecca as a Bystander
2.3 Rebecca as a Participant
Chapter Three The Enclosed Room
3.1 Self-isolation
3.1.1 Sense of Security in Room
3.1.2 Defense Mechanisms
3.2 Threat of the Intruders
3.2.1 Mr. Kidd as Representative of Insecurity
3.2.2 Mr. Sands as Representative of Displacement
3.3 Failure of Redemption
3.3.1 Messenger of Light
3.3.2 Light Eclipsed
Chapter Four The Jews' Recovery from Trauma
4.1 Individual Factors in Trauma Recovery
4.2 Collective Factors in Trauma Recovery
4.3 Plans for Trauma Recovery
4.3.1 Recalling
4.3.2 Transformation
4.3.3 Redemption