发布时间:2023-03-19 15:19
加拿大“文学之母”玛格丽特·劳伦斯(Margaret Laurence,1926-1987)是加拿大文艺复兴时期最负盛名的女作家之一,两次荣获加拿大最高文学奖项——总督奖,以故乡小镇尼帕瓦为原型的五部马纳瓦卡系列草原小说更是使劳伦斯在当代世界文学领域享有重要声誉。《石头天使》是玛格丽特·劳伦斯的第一部马纳瓦卡系列长篇小说,被认为是主题与技巧结合的最为完美的代表作。小说打破传统的线性叙事方式,以主人公哈格为第一人称,通过回忆与现实穿插的叙事手法将哈格一生的遭遇生动地再现。二十一世纪以来,“空间转向”为我们提供了分析文本的理论原则:空间不仅仅是传统意义上静态的自然属性的研究方法,还是具有社会属性的多维理论基础,并具有其深刻的现实意义。所以作为一位有非洲生活经历的加拿大作家,劳伦斯的生活背景无疑给作品提供了特殊的空间体验。因此,在前辈学者研究成果的基础上,运用空间叙事理论结合文本细读方法来挖掘《石头天使》的空间价值。将物理空间划分为静态地理空间和动态生存空间,静态地理空间的三个典型空间意象以及动态生存空间的三次迁移,呈现出不同的空间属性特征;两性权力空间和宗教文化空间构成的社会空间奠定了主人...
【文章页数】:52 页
1 Introduction
1.1 A Brief Introduction of Margaret Laurence and The Stone Angel
1.2 Development of the Spatial Narrative Theory
1.3 Literature Review
1.3.1 Critical Reviews on the Work of Margaret Laurence at Abroad
1.3.2 Critical Reviews on the Work of Margaret Laurence at Home
2 Narrative in Physical Space
2.1 Narrative in Static Geographical Space
2.2 Narrative in Dynamic Living Space
2.2.1 First Runaway--Searching for Self
2.2.2 Second Runaway--Insisting on Self
2.2.3 Third Runaway--Releasing of Self
3 Narrative in Social Space
3.1 Fate Writing in Religious Space
3.2 Female Rebellion in Masculine Space
3.2.1 Against the Patriarchy of the Father
3.2.2 Against the Patriarchy of the Husband
3.2.3 Against the Patriarchy of the Sons
4 Narrative in Psychological Space
4.1 The Absence of Love--Revolt Stage
4.2 Self-lost--Struggle Stage
4.3 Encountering herself--Salvation Stage
5 Conclusion
【文章页数】:52 页
1 Introduction
1.1 A Brief Introduction of Margaret Laurence and The Stone Angel
1.2 Development of the Spatial Narrative Theory
1.3 Literature Review
1.3.1 Critical Reviews on the Work of Margaret Laurence at Abroad
1.3.2 Critical Reviews on the Work of Margaret Laurence at Home
2 Narrative in Physical Space
2.1 Narrative in Static Geographical Space
2.2 Narrative in Dynamic Living Space
2.2.1 First Runaway--Searching for Self
2.2.2 Second Runaway--Insisting on Self
2.2.3 Third Runaway--Releasing of Self
3 Narrative in Social Space
3.1 Fate Writing in Religious Space
3.2 Female Rebellion in Masculine Space
3.2.1 Against the Patriarchy of the Father
3.2.2 Against the Patriarchy of the Husband
3.2.3 Against the Patriarchy of the Sons
4 Narrative in Psychological Space
4.1 The Absence of Love--Revolt Stage
4.2 Self-lost--Struggle Stage
4.3 Encountering herself--Salvation Stage
5 Conclusion