发布时间:2024-02-14 23:15
通过表现现实的女性生活并创作出独特的女性文学,玛格丽特?德拉布尔(1939—)使自己成为当代最重要的小说家之一。女性身份的寻求与确立是她早期小说中重要的主题之一。这些小说既反映了女性寻求完整身份的主题也表现出女性在服从那些外界强加给她们的角色要求时的挣扎。她的作品呈现出独特的视角并始终保持着对于当代女性所处的困境的关注,而通过展现女性日常的生活经历来表现她们所共有的矛盾问题,德拉布尔真实的再现了她们的内心矛盾与困惑并为中产阶级妇女提供了走出困境的其它选择。 对于身份的寻求一直以来都是所有伟大文学所关注的基本问题。身份认同这一关键词虽然经常出现在文学或其他学术领域,但其使用者仍很难给出准确的定义或解释。虽然女性的身份曾在很多文学评论作品中被探讨过,但本文试图以新的方式来阐述女性身份的特点。本篇论文从女性主义视角出发,选取三部德拉布尔的早期小说——《夏日鸟笼》(1963),《磨盘》(1965)和《金色的耶路撒冷》(1967)作为研究对象,解释了女性寻求自我身份的原因,对于女性寻求和确立自我身份的过程和不同方式进行分析,并对于女性身份的特点进行了详细阐述。 本篇论文共由五部分组成:引言部分介...
【文章页数】:63 页
1.An Introduction to Margaret Drabble and Her Early Novels
2.A General Survey of Feminism and Its Influence on Drabble
3.A Brief Introduction to Identity
Chapter One Reasons for Women Pursuing Their Identity
1.1 The Social Reason
1.1.1 Britain in the 1960S
1.1.2 The Middle Class in British Society
1.2 The Religious Reason
1.2.1 The Religious Views
1.2.2 The Moral Issues
Chapter Two The Pursuit of Women’s Identity
2.1 The Awakening of the Self Awareness
2.1.1 Facing Options
2.1.2 Seeking Answers
2.2 The Breaking of the Wall of Isolation
2.2.1 The Wall of Isolation
2.2.2.Bleaking down the Wall
2.3 The Escaping of the Predestined Fate
2.3.1 The Predestined Fate
2.3.2 The Gambling
Chapter Three The Establishment of Women’s Identity
3.1 A Woman-identified Woman
3.1.1 The Right to Define Women Themselves
3.1.2 The New Women in Quest of Identity
3.2 A Sense of Integrated Self Identity
3.2.1 The Conscious Fusion
3.2.2 The Endless Exploration
【文章页数】:63 页
1.An Introduction to Margaret Drabble and Her Early Novels
2.A General Survey of Feminism and Its Influence on Drabble
3.A Brief Introduction to Identity
Chapter One Reasons for Women Pursuing Their Identity
1.1 The Social Reason
1.1.1 Britain in the 1960S
1.1.2 The Middle Class in British Society
1.2 The Religious Reason
1.2.1 The Religious Views
1.2.2 The Moral Issues
Chapter Two The Pursuit of Women’s Identity
2.1 The Awakening of the Self Awareness
2.1.1 Facing Options
2.1.2 Seeking Answers
2.2 The Breaking of the Wall of Isolation
2.2.1 The Wall of Isolation
2.2.2.Bleaking down the Wall
2.3 The Escaping of the Predestined Fate
2.3.1 The Predestined Fate
2.3.2 The Gambling
Chapter Three The Establishment of Women’s Identity
3.1 A Woman-identified Woman
3.1.1 The Right to Define Women Themselves
3.1.2 The New Women in Quest of Identity
3.2 A Sense of Integrated Self Identity
3.2.1 The Conscious Fusion
3.2.2 The Endless Exploration