发布时间:2017-12-31 12:34
本文关键词:双重代理成本视角下微信媒体的公司治理作用研究 出处:《郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2017年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In the company's internal governance mechanism to solve the agency problem in the context of media attention. The role of external governance China empirical data of listed companies, the empirical impact of media attention to WeChat, the agency problem which found that: the WeChat media attention can significantly reduce the listed company of the first and the second Agency cost, namely the inhibition of management not normal on-the-job consumption and negative work behavior of Large Shareholders Expropriation of the interests of the listed company; the newspaper media, WeChat media on the two kinds of agency cost reduction effect is more significant. Further research proved that the over investment behavior of WeChat media can significantly inhibit the state-owned listed companies, and alleviate the problem of insufficient investment in non listed state-owned WeChat media company. From the external governance to protect the interests of small investors provides a new channel.
【作者单位】: 东北财经大学会计学院/中国内部控制研究中心;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目“媒体关注、内部控制有效性对会计信息质量的影响与实证研究”(项目编号:71602024) 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目“关系型股东对股利分配的影响及其经济后果研究”(项目编号:2015M571317) 辽宁省社会科学规划基金项目“股权投资会计准则演变的非预期效应研究”(项目编号:L14BGL015) 东北财经大学校级青年培育项目“基于会计准则变迁的股权投资会计信息决策有用性研究”(项目编号:DUFE2016Q09);东北财经大学博士后科研项目择优资助“关系型股东利益诉求与股利分配模式研究”(项目编号:BSH201508)
【正文快照】: 一、问题的缘起现代公司制企业的代理问题一直难以得到有效解决,中国资本市场经常爆发一些公司通过财务会计造假侵害股东利益,或管理层进行“天价”在职消费的情况。但最先发现问题的往往并非公司的内部治理机制,而是媒体——这一外部公司治理机制。据披露的案例可以看出,媒体
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1 汲德雅;内部控制质量与媒体监督对管理层代理成本的影响研究[D];湖南大学;2014年