本文关键词:《南方日报》与《广西日报》“一带一路”报道研究 出处:《广西大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 一带一路报道 省级党报 马克思主义新闻观 框架分析
[Abstract]:Belt and Road is the meeting point of Chinese Dream and the world dream. Nanfang Daily and Guangxi Daily are the mainstream media in the provinces concerned. Both newspapers are shouldering the responsibility of telling Chinese stories, spreading Chinese voices, and winning the support of public opinion for the construction of "Belt and Road," both of which are faced with opportunities and challenges. It is a necessary and urgent task to improve the reporting level of the two newspapers. This paper uses literature analysis method, content analysis method and comparative research method, combined with Marxist news view and frame theory comparison. This paper analyzes how the two newspapers presented "Belt and Road" news in 2015. According to the data analysis, the two newspapers adhered to the Marxist view of news in the past year and made a lot of excellent reports. However, there are also some shortcomings. There are many problems in the two newspapers, such as more official language, less folk language, more truth and less stories. In addition, the Guangxi Daily has a small number of reports and insufficient reporting efforts. The depth of the report is not enough; Nanfang Daily does not make full use of new media, lacks integrated report, and has poor vitality; Focusing too much on financial and economic reports, not comprehensive enough and lack of linkage with foreign media. In view of the shortcomings of the two newspapers, this paper puts forward feasible suggestions, the two retribution should be close to the masses and speak more folk language; Pay attention to the individual and tell more stories; Go out, please come in. Guangxi Daily should insist on regular reporting; Reasonable expansion and expansion of the total amount of information; Enhance the depth of the report in order to treat quickly; Adhere to originality, improve the rate of self-extraction. "Nanfang Daily" should make full use of new media; Controlling the proportion of financial reports; Go out, please come in.
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