本文关键词:新媒体环境下的报刊发行业转型研究 出处:《华东师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In the current new media environment, the newspaper industry is facing a huge risk of a massive loss of readers, revenue, profits, advertising and circulation "cliff fall." based on this background. This paper focuses on the issue of the transformation of the newspaper distribution industry, through literature analysis and interviews, the use of public data and postal distribution management interviews. This paper combs the historical experience and realistic challenges of newspaper distribution industry transformation, analyzes the current characteristics of industry development, summarizes the transformation measures of representative enterprises, and summarizes the key factors to be considered in the distribution industry transformation. The paper also puts forward the possible path of sustainable development of newspaper distribution industry. The study found that the transformation of newspaper distribution industry in history is to make up for the lack of channel services and driven by economic interests. At the same time, it also brings blindness, which needs the top-level design and industry supervision to cooperate well. At present, the publication of newspapers and periodicals is challenged by the new media in terms of its influence and scope of influence. The profit crisis has threatened the survival value and development pattern of the industry. From the data of recent ten years, influenced by the market structural factors and the strategic adjustment of the upstream publishing units, the newspaper distribution market is from the total demand, cycle. Print volume, the average volume of paper to the provincial and municipal markets are showing an accelerated contraction trend. In addition to maintaining strict supervision of the industry, the country also supports full competition and leads it to digital. From the demand side, the newspaper distribution still has the audience foundation, the traditional distribution organization also has the development potential in the stock, the increment and the related market. Large distribution institutions still insist on the social benefits of newspaper distribution first, but in the traditional business has shifted to the incremental market and increased digital distribution products. This study believes that the traditional distribution will be upgraded to compound distribution, but the industry concentration will deepen. In the digital channel, it will also face the challenge of the external monopolist. The traditional business transformation should pay attention to the channel service optimization and commercial development, fine farming incremental market; Digital distribution should increase product R & D investment, speed up the innovation of profit model. The overall transformation of the industry still needs the competent department planning and design, and copyright protection to cooperate. How to learn from foreign experience. It is worthy of further exploration to establish a mature circulation and new media flow audit mechanism to protect the transformation and healthy development of the industry.
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