本文关键词: 旅游城市形象 社交媒体关系互动 因果归因 负面偏差引导 出处:《旅游学刊》2017年07期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The negative deviation is the psychological illusion that the audience produces when facing the diversified network information, and tends to overestimate the negative information, underestimate the positive information, and in the tourism market, This phenomenon will reduce the positive communication effect of tourism city image. The article takes the "Qingdao Shrimp" event in 2015 as a case study, through the structural measurement of social media influence and the measurement of fan behavior. A comprehensive comparison of the role of social media location and the ability to guide public opinion on the Internet provides a strategic direction for tourist cities to weaken negative biases. The role of position in the interaction of social media relations is different from the result of their ability to guide public opinion on the Internet: firstly, the difference between government and folk. In the interaction of social media relations, the local official organization is at the center, and the self-media is on the edge; However, in terms of the influence of guiding public opinion, the local self-media ranked first, the local official organization ranked third, followed by the difference between local and different places. In the interaction of social media, the local media was close to the central position, but the influence of guiding public opinion was at the same time, As can be seen, folk and local social media have relatively stronger influence in guiding public opinion, and social media play a positive role in negative bias guidance through causal attribution in relationship interaction. Tourism cities need to pay attention to the use of social media combinations to enhance the reliability of information sources on their own social media platforms; at the same time, they are good at using the media (bridges) to guide public opinion, pay attention to the solution of problems in negative information, and finally form a communication force. Reduce negative bias.
【作者单位】: 天津财经大学商学院;天津中医药大学管理学院;
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