本文关键词: 非虚构写作 新闻生产 新闻业 新媒体 新闻文本 出处:《武汉大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The idea of non-fiction writing flourished in the United States in 1960s, and its idea was derived from the combination of non-fiction novels and neo-journalism. Non-fiction writing refers to all writing activities with the background of realistic elements and its authenticity. The characteristics of literariness and narrative. The purpose of nonfiction writing is to present a complete story. In 2012, non-fiction writing began to play an important role in the discourse of Chinese journalism. The market-oriented media encounter survival crisis, and the structural factors of the demonstration effect brought about by foreign non-fictitious writing precedents exist. By converting "feature", which could have been confined to journalistic logic, into "nonfiction" that has more literary directions, they are trying to re-search for professional legitimacy and restore professional authority. The group of journalists tried to change their identity from journalist to writer through this change of name. With the power of new technology, journalists began to come forward and empower themselves, trying to be the protagonists of the news. In the professional imagination of nonfiction writers, They no longer regard the realization of social value as the first value criterion, but instead take the self-actualization as the core of utilitarianism. Under the influence of the commercial logic, the narrative mode with strong plot driven characteristic is sought after. Under the premise of commercial exclusiveness, the authenticity of news is monopolized by a single article, and journalists and parties sign contracts not to be interviewed by others. The authenticity of the process no longer exists. In nonfiction writing, the journalist's subject no longer hides his or her tendency, and the first person's "I" is frequently present in the text. Is a dominant part of business logic, in which the professional boundaries of journalism are broadened, in which the principles of journalism are in conflict, In order for this practical form to develop healthily, journalism should broaden its understanding of non-fiction writing, get rid of the stylized choice of subject matter, and take it as a supplementary part of journalism. Instead of mainstream logic, the key to solve the crisis of journalism lies in reinventing the ability of information dissemination, obtaining, transmitting and interpreting information to regain legitimacy.
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