本文选题:危机传播 切入点:政府形象 出处:《浙江传媒学院》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At present, our country is facing the dual transition of economy and society, the complicated conflicts of interest and the contradictions between different interest groups continue to escalate, the country is in the key node of frequent public crisis. In this special period of frequent public crisis, the government should give full play to the function of public administration and strive to meet the expectations of citizens about the ability of government to deal with the crisis. At present, there is a big gap between the government's crisis response ability and people's increasing expectations for government crisis management. Therefore, the public crisis will be displayed with greater intensity and higher risk. As a result, social harmony and political stability are seriously affected. In dealing with the crisis, the focus of the current society is mainly on how the government can deal with the crisis quickly and efficiently. How to set up a good image of serving the people and how to enhance the credibility of the government, etc. The mode of communication of the emerging media has undergone a fundamental change. They have played a great role in the process of reporting the crisis. Under this brand new mode of communication, the speed and influence of the crisis are different. Therefore, the government is the authoritative subject of the crisis response. In the process of crisis communication, the relevant coping behavior has always been the focus of attention of the public. The author analyzes and studies the problem of shaping the image of the government in the process of crisis communication. The main contents include the following aspects: first, the author has fully studied the image created by our government in the process of crisis and the impact of the crisis on the shaping of government image; Second, the author analyzes in detail the problems that our government is facing when dealing with the crisis, and sums up the conditions of the public crisis. Third, the author uses the method of dialectical materialism to give personal views and suggestions on how to create a good image of the government in the crisis propagation stage. The author provides feasible suggestions and effective measures for the government to create a good image in the field of crisis communication in the future, and not only can it effectively guide the practice of shaping the good image of the government in crisis communication, but also can effectively guide the practice of shaping the good image of the government in the field of crisis communication. At the same time, it is also conducive to the government to raise the awareness of crisis, so as to guide the situation, turn danger into an opportunity.
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