本文选题:中国 + 对非援助 ; 参考:《北京外国语大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Foreign aid is one of the important means of national diplomacy and the embodiment of national comprehensive national strength.Chinese aid to Africa, which dates back to the 1950 s, is an important part of China-Africa diplomatic relations.However, China's aid to Africa has been questioned by foreign public opinion from the beginning.In this context, by studying the image of China's aid to Africa in western media reports, we can understand more concretely the specific public opinion challenges that China's aid to Africa faces.This paper is divided into seven parts.The first part is the introduction, introduces the background and significance of the topic, and briefly reviews the history of China's assistance to Africa.The second part is a literature review, combing the two important concepts of "national image" and "foreign aid", reviewing the current research situation at home and abroad and introducing the theoretical framework involved in the article.The third part introduces the selection process of the research articles and the specific analysis categories.The fourth and fifth parts are the research findings, and analyze and summarize the changing characteristics of China's aid to Africa and the image of China's aid.In the sixth part, on the basis of the research findings, the author summarizes the advantages and disadvantages faced by China's non-aid public opinion, and provides suggestions for better development of non-aid activities.The seventh part is the research findings and limitations, the summary of the whole paper.This paper uses content analysis method to analyze 99 reports on China's aid to Africa in the New York Times from 1980 to 2016.It analyzes the number of reports, the type of reports, the length of the reports and the layout of the reports. It analyzes the ways of assistance, the motivation of aid, the results of aid, the object of competition, the angle of reporting and the tone of the report from the aspect of the content of the report.Seven categories of news sources.The study found that the New York Times's report on China's aid to Africa gradually downplayed the political color and strengthened the economic color, and the US-led western countries gradually turned from the bystanders of China's aid to Africa's competitors;The report has created the image of "diplomatic wrestler", "human rights disregard" and "resource predator" in China's aid to Africa, but also affirmed China's "inclusive development" and medical aid.The Chinese government can better carry out aid to Africa by enriching aid means, participating in multilateral cooperation, handling "sensitive events" carefully and strengthening the publication of follow-up information on aid projects.Previous studies have studied China's aid policies and mechanisms from the perspective of international relations or public administration.The purpose of this paper is to clarify the specific public opinion challenges facing China's aid to Africa, to help find a way for China's aid to Africa to overcome the dilemma of public opinion, to maximize the benefit of China's aid to Africa, and to enhance the credibility and influence of the government.
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