本文选题:半岛都市报 + 读者群体 ; 参考:《青年记者》2017年27期
[Abstract]:The metropolitan newspaper is born in the ordinary people, the biggest advantage is "ground gas", but the vigorous development of the Internet and mobile Internet, to a large extent, the popularity of the newspaper has been diverted to the mobile end. Compared with the Party newspaper, the city newspaper lacks the policy dividend, the readers are easy to lose, the service function is more easily replaced by the network, and the new profit model has not made a fundamental breakthrough. The transformation faces many difficulties. (1) the advantages of metropolitan newspaper lie in its authority and local resources, but its disadvantage lies in the difficulty of instant communication, individualized service and two-way multi-direction interaction.
【作者单位】: 半岛都市报;半岛都市报全媒体编辑中心;
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