本文选题:P2P网络电视 + 收视行为 ; 参考:《厦门大学》2009年硕士论文
【摘要】: 互联网时代,P2P网络电视正带来一种全新的视频收视方式。本文采用定量研究和定性研究相结合的方法,对P2P网络电视的受众收视行为进行了深入的调查分析。本研究以大学生为对象,探讨他们是怎么看待和使用P2P网络电视。本文考察了开始使用的时间、知晓途径、装有P2P网络电视软件的数量、收视目的、收视时间、收视地点、收视伙伴、收视原因、收视频率、每次收视时长、栏目/频道选择因素、栏目/频道选择行为、换台主要因素、换台行为、是否同时收看多个网络视频、对内容的关注度、伴随行为、广告时间行为以及P2P网络电视在被访者生活中的媒体地位和功能等多方面的内容。此外,本文基于P2P网络电视收视行为流程,探讨了P2P网络电视的运营策略和未来发展趋势。 研究结果表明:(1)人际传播是P2P网络电视最主要传播途径。(2)P2P网络电视受众黏度和受众忠诚度较好。(3)P2P网络电视带有明显的“个人电视”色彩。(4)P2P网络电视收看选择“内容为王”。(5)对于时间敏感度高的节目,受众多选看直播。(6)广告敏感度高,目前受众对广告态度不积极。(7)收视为主,收视伴随行为多。(8)电脑的多种功能易分散受众对P2P网络电视的注意力。(9)在年轻的网络一代中,P2P网络电视已经开始冲击传统电视收视方式的地位。(10)休闲娱乐和获取信息是P2P网络电视主要的媒体功能。
[Abstract]:In the Internet era, P2P network TV is bringing a new way of video viewing. In this paper, the audience watching behavior of P2P network TV is investigated and analyzed by the combination of quantitative and qualitative research. This research takes college students as the object, discusses how they treat and use P2P network TV. This paper examines the time, access, number, purpose, time, location, partner, reason, frequency, length of each viewing of the P2P network TV software, the purpose of the viewing, the time of the viewing, the location of the viewing, the reason of the viewing, the frequency of the viewing, the number of the software installed in the P2P network television, Column / channel selection factors, column / channel selection behavior, main factors of changing channels, changing channels behavior, whether or not to watch multiple network videos at the same time, attention to content, accompanying behavior, Advertising time behavior and P2P network TV in the life of the interviewee media status and functions and other aspects of the content. In addition, based on the behavior flow of P2P network TV, this paper discusses the operation strategy and future development trend of P2P network TV. The results show that: (1) interpersonal communication is the main channel of P2P network TV. (2) the audience viscosity and loyalty of P2P network TV are good. (3) P2P network TV has obvious "personal TV" color. (4) P2P network TV watching choice "inside". (5) programs that are highly time-sensitive, The audience often chooses to watch live broadcast. (6) Advertising sensitivity is high, and at present the audience is not active in advertising. (7) viewing is the main focus. (8) the multiple functions of computers can easily distract the audience from P2P network TV. (9) among the younger generation of network, P2P network TV has begun to impact on the status of traditional TV viewing mode. (10) Leisure, entertainment and access to P2P network television. Information is the main media function of P2P network TV.
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