[Abstract]:Network interpersonal communication is a non-face-to-face communication activity through computer and Internet. With the rise of social network, there is also a new trend in the network interpersonal communication scene: the scene organization is subjective; the scene begins to meet the human needs. At the same time, the scene in the public domain and private. From the perspective of the participants, the scene moves towards the focus and the minority; from the management level, the scene becomes vertical; from the perspective of personal communication, the scene moves towards acquaintance and privacy. In these trends, images with dual attributes of technology and culture play an important role. It can set up "online" scene as well as "offline" and "online" scene. The representative image is the network expression, which is not only the product of "scene" of network interpersonal communication, but also participate in the construction of the whole scene of interpersonal communication. As a kind of visual non-verbal symbol, there is a double symbol system in the network expression. Among them, such as Doge, "friendship of the boat said turn over", "unhappy want to cry" as the representative of "self-made expression" is the latest stage of the development of Internet expression. In the process of communication, opinion leaders and group imitation are the two most important factors. Behind the popularity of Internet expressions is the self-reproduction and evolution of memes from the expression point of view; as strong memes, "Internet expressions" have the characteristics of self-reproduction, assimilation, memory, Each stage of expression and communication needs corresponding conditions to promote its wide spread. From the point of view of the user crowd, the "network expression" deviates from the instrumental attribute and moves towards carnival and entertainment in the process of people's participation, and the expression image has become an important carrier for building identity. At the same time, the popular process of internet expression is also the process of young generation fighting for words, expressing themselves and resisting reality in the network scene.
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