[Abstract]:Media ecology defines media as a subsystem of society, and considers that there is a close interaction and harmony between media and media, and between media and external environment. Economic and social organization studies the media environment, emphasizing its social, cultural and psychological impact. The theory of media ecology provides a comprehensive and innovative perspective for the understanding of new media and the integration of new and old media. Since the birth and application of Internet technology in the field of communication, as a stable development of traditional media, the traditional media ecological environment has been gradually broken, and into a dynamic media ecological environment. In such a rapidly changing media ecological environment, there is a phenomenon of mass turnover and entrepreneurship in the media circle in our country. In the special period of media transformation in our country, the phenomenon of the mass turnover of media personnel, the phenomenon of entrepreneurship not only reflects the development trend of Chinese media, but also has a negative effect on the change of media ecology in our country. The article will start with the change of media ecology in our country, take it as the background of the research on the phenomenon of media people leaving and start a business in our country, and generalize the development of media ecology theory and the history of the change of media ecology in our country. Then it will focus on the phenomenon of mass turnover and entrepreneurship in the new media environment in our country. It will analyze the cases and data of media turnover, and discuss and analyze the current situation and prospects of media entrepreneurs at various levels. In general, the reasons behind the phenomenon of media turnover, the reasons behind the entrepreneurial phenomenon and the possible prospects are grasped. Finally, from the phenomenon to the essence, the author presupposes the possible impact of the phenomenon on the current media ecology. The analysis of the ecological impact of media not only from the media people, traditional media, new media and other levels of practical implementation, but also from the overall technology, resources and competitive environment three aspects summarized. This paper presupposes the factors closely related to the development of the media, and puts forward the influence of the departure and entrepreneurship of the media personnel on the ecological change of the media community in China, thus providing reference materials for the current media development.
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