[Abstract]:Information politics is the product of human being entering the information society, and the upgrading of media technology leads to the renewal of the connotation of information politics. Compared with the traditional Internet, the self-media further deepens its autonomy by endowing information politics with the connotation of "interactivity". By setting the agenda, developing public life and "pushing" the government on the self-media platform, the masses set up a political behavior interaction system with multi-level communication as the core, thus enhancing the sense of political efficacy. However, self-media based on communication individualism also increases the instability of political system and the risk of social structure. Governments need to establish flexible, open governance thinking, fully assess the possibility of self-media as a "public domain", and "access" and "make good use of" self-media in order to play its active role in the search for overlapping consensus, To innovate the new way of consultation between citizens and political power.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学马克思主义学院;
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