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发布时间:2019-05-29 18:12
【摘要】:如今,科技水平快速发展的同时,媒介技术也在不断的革新,传媒界正在上演着一场重大的变革。媒介融合时代势不可挡,媒介融合时代带来的是传播载体的多元和社会的信息化。而我们进入后现代时期的典型标志就是我们正处于信息社会。新闻游戏就是在媒介融合和后现代的语境下产生的新型产品。它不仅仅是一种游戏,更是一种新闻体裁。它是这个时代特有的产物。新闻游戏通常是在真实事件和问题的基础上,为玩家提供真实世界资源的虚拟体验的同时传递着这一新闻事件。新闻游戏正在改变着新闻媒体组织讲述新闻故事的方式。新闻游戏的发展分为三个阶段,第一个阶段为萌芽期:从1980年到2003年,这一时期新闻游戏还没有引起人们的注意,为人们所熟知的新闻游戏几乎没有;第二个阶段为发展期:从2004年到2013年这一时期,在这个时期新闻游戏开始进入人们的视野并发展,在这个时期出现了一些较为出名的新闻游戏,如《KillingKennedy》(刺杀肯尼迪)、《Syrian Journey: Choose your own escape route》(叙利亚之旅:选择你自己的流亡路线)以及《1000 Days of Syria》(叙利亚1000天)等;第三个阶段新闻游戏还在持续发展,但并不兴盛,所以笔者称之为进一步发展时期:2014年到现在,在这个时期,新闻游戏的种类开始变得多种多样,人们对它的了解也越来越多,更多的人开始接触这一产品。在这个时期,最为人们所知的新闻游戏则是根据特朗普选举制作出的三款新闻游戏《Floppy Candidate》(懒散的候选人)、《TrumPinata》(特朗普皮纳塔)以及《Jrump》。这三款游戏都是结合如火如荼举行的美国大选而制作并发布的,可以让玩家在玩游戏的时候更加了解这一新闻事件。也是在这一时期,政治类新闻游戏开始出现并发展。笔者认为,新闻游戏的发展速度较为缓慢,且存在着一些问题,在后文中笔者将对此进行进一步探讨。同时,国内新闻游戏的发展比国外相对滞后,这与国内外的发展速度以及接受程度相关,所以后文中笔者将国外和国内的新闻游戏分开进行研究。本课题的中心部分则是尝试以不同的视角对新闻游戏进行分析。首先对新闻游戏这一新生事物的来龙去脉进行梳理,分析它问世的缘由;其次从媒介融合和后现代的角度分析新闻游戏;最后对新闻游戏存在的问题及发展前景进行展望。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, media technology is also constantly innovating, the media industry is undergoing a major change. The era of media fusion is irresistible, and the era of media fusion brings about the pluralism of communication carriers and the informatization of society. The typical symbol of our entering the post-modern period is that we are in the information society. News game is a new product produced in the context of media fusion and postmodernism. It is not only a game, but also a news genre. It is a unique product of this era. News games usually convey this news event while providing players with a virtual experience of real world resources on the basis of real events and problems. News games are changing the way news media organizations tell news stories. The development of news games is divided into three stages, the first stage is the budding period: from 1980 to 2003, the news games have not attracted people's attention, and there are few well-known news games; The second stage is the period of development: from 2004 to 2013, news games began to enter the field of vision and develop during this period, during which there were some more famous news games, such as < KillingKennedy > (assassination of Kennedy). < Syrian Journey: Choose your own escape route > (trip to Syria: choose your own exile route) and < 1000 Days of Syria > (1000 days in Syria); In the third stage, the news game is still developing continuously, but it is not prosperous, so the author calls it the period of further development: from 2014 to now, the types of news games have begun to become diverse. People know more and more about it, and more people begin to come into contact with the product. During this period, the best-known news games are < Floppy Candidate > (lazy candidates), < TrumPinata > (Trump Pinata) and < Jrump > produced in the Trump election. All three games have been produced and released in full swing in the United States, allowing players to learn more about the news while playing the game. It was also during this period that political news games began to appear and develop. The author believes that the development of news games is relatively slow, and there are some problems, which will be further discussed in the following articles. At the same time, the development of domestic news games lags behind that of foreign countries, which is related to the development speed and acceptance of domestic and foreign news games, so the author will study the foreign and domestic news games separately. The central part of this paper is to try to analyze the news game from different perspectives. First of all, this paper combs the origin of news game, and analyzes the reason why it came out. Secondly, it analyzes the news game from the point of view of media fusion and postmodernism. Finally, it looks forward to the existing problems and development prospects of news game.


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