发布时间:2018-06-22 01:46
本文选题:审美颠覆 + 少年儿童小说 ; 参考:《中原工学院》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:20世纪科学技术发展一日千里,作为推动社会变革的力量和改变历史的动因,科技在不断革新人类生产、生活、交往方式的同时,也改变了人类认识与体察世界的形式。现代主义、后现代主义思潮开始喷涌,传统被销毁、经典被解构、理性被批判、价值体系也随之崩盘,人类文明开始遭遇了一场史无前例的信仰危机。 在文学层面,追求感官刺激与情感疏泄的商业化文学产品和揭露、呈现现代社会种种危机与弊端的现代主义文学作品并行,而后者由于其先锋式地观察、剖析、反思异化的技术社会与人类交往,严肃地审视被科技暴力肢解的传统文化、价值观念、人性变化而受到了众多学者的注意。现代主义文学作品突出表现了技术异化下人类生存的窘况,从文艺层面揭示了人类生活的真实情状与境遇,通过文字,,试图重塑人类的主体性与判断力。 20世纪部分现代主义少年儿童小说的审美转向,在宣告纯洁童年时代消逝的同时,也呼唤着人类对真善美家园回归的渴望,少年儿童小说中的审美颠覆,是基于作家对科技异化下的现代社会强烈叩问与深刻反思。本文以20世纪现代主义少年儿童小说内容、情节、形象、结构到主题、内涵、思想、意蕴等多种审美元素的多元化价值标准转变的考察为切入点,通过从20世纪现代主义少年儿童小说中窥探现代性社会中异化的世界、社会、人类生活的真实情状这条线索,尝试性地解释科学技术与社会和少年儿童小说的作用关系,初步探讨现代主义少年儿童小说的审美取向问题。作为对现代主义文学研究的补充,对科技文化研究者,文学理论研究者有一定的借鉴作用。
[Abstract]:Science and technology developed rapidly in the 20th century. As the power of promoting social change and the motive of changing history, science and technology has changed the form of human cognition and understanding of the world while constantly innovating the way of human production, life and communication. Modernism, postmodernism began to spew, tradition was destroyed, classics were deconstructed, reason was criticized, value system also collapsed, human civilization began to encounter an unprecedented faith crisis. At the literary level, the commercialized literary products and revelations that seek sensory stimulation and emotional relaxation are parallel modernist literary works which present various crises and drawbacks in modern society, and the latter, because of their pioneering observation, are analyzed. Reflecting on the alienation of the technological society and human interaction, seriously examining the dismemberment of the traditional culture, values and human nature changes by the violence of science and technology, which has attracted the attention of many scholars. Modernist literary works highlight the dilemma of human existence under the alienation of technology, and reveal the real situation and circumstances of human life from the literary level. Trying to reshape human subjectivity and judgment. The aesthetic turn of some modernist children's novels in the 20th century calls for the return of the true, the good and the beautiful at the same time that the pure childhood is gone. The aesthetic subversion in children's novels is based on the writers' strong questioning and deep reflection on the modern society under the alienation of science and technology. This article is based on the investigation of the changes of the diversified value standards of various aesthetic elements, such as content, plot, image, structure to theme, connotation, thought, implication, etc., of the modernist children's novels of the 20th century. This paper attempts to explain the relationship between science and technology, society and children's novels by exploring the real situation of the dissimilated world, society and human life in the modernist children's novels of the 20th century. This paper discusses the aesthetic orientation of modernist children's novels. As a supplement to the study of modernist literature, it can be used for reference by researchers of science and technology culture and literary theory.
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