发布时间:2018-07-23 11:30
【摘要】:埃德蒙·斯宾塞的《仙后》是文艺复兴时期的一部颇具影响力的史诗。它的深刻性一直以来都备受西方经典文学作品评论家们的关注。本论文集中探讨《仙后》第一卷,第一卷主要描写了红十字骑士如何从一名稚嫩的骑士成长为英国的守护神圣·乔治。作为史诗的重要主题之一,玄幻遍布整部史诗,贯穿于红十字骑士在《仙后》第一卷中的主要冒险历程,这些冒险经历主要发生在:“错误林”、“骄傲宫”、“绝望洞”、“神圣宫”,以及“被恶龙霸占的城邦”。本论文旨在从以下两个问题来研究《仙后》第一卷中的玄幻特征:“《仙后》第一卷中的玄幻要素有哪些?”以及“玄幻如何帮助塑造该部史诗?”通过细心的研读和缜密的思考,本论文作者将第一卷中出现的玄幻要素粗略地分为三类,即:魔法、理想主义和怪异。这三类要素形成了本篇论文的主体部分。 本论文开篇介绍玄幻的基本特征、“玄幻”一词的定义、玄幻特征在《仙后》第一卷中的体现、本文作者自己对玄幻的定义,以及对论文主体结构的简要概述。同时,作者还总结了近年来国内外学者对《仙后》中所蕴含的玄幻特征的相关研究。 第一章围绕魔法作为《仙后》第一卷中的一个玄幻要素进行阐述,由三个小节组成。第一小节集中分析由魔法创造的梦境,大巫师阿奇马戈运用黑魔法去操纵人们的意识,在红十字骑士的梦境中创造了一个假的乌娜。红十字骑士醒来后,错将玄幻当做现实,于半夜抛下乌娜独自前行。第二小节探讨了阿奇马戈和杜埃莎怎样运用魔法去帮助他们隐藏自己的身份并最终实现他们的邪恶目的。杜埃莎运用魔法所隐藏的身份还成为了红十字骑士走向毁灭的诱惑之源。第三小节主要围绕对生命垂危者的治疗方法的对比来展开,杜埃莎运用黑魔法去拯救无信的性命,然而,被乌娜带入神圣宫并身负重伤的红十字骑士却是被基督教“信、望、爱”三女神的化身给治愈的。 第二章把理想主义作为斯宾塞《仙后》第一卷中的又一个玄幻因素进行阐释。从广义上来看,本论文作者把仙后格罗丽安娜的仙国作为一个理想的国度。从狭义上来看,乌娜父母的城邦也可以被看成一个理想之邦。具体来说,本章的焦点主要集中于和谐和完美。首先,本文以乌娜和林中生物的关系为例来探讨《仙后》第一卷中人与自然的和谐关系。接着,本文又探讨了人与其自身的和谐。在某种程度上,人与其自身的和谐就是一种对完美的追求,因此,该部分的分析主要围绕红十字骑士在精神层面的朝圣之旅中所表现出的对自我完美或修身养性的追求来展开。最后,本文还从回归伊甸园的梦想出发去探讨人与神的和谐。本文所探讨的伊甸园在《仙后》第一卷中主要有两种表现形式。第一种是把仙后格罗丽安娜的仙国看成是在玄幻第一世界中的伊甸园,第二种则是把恶龙被斩杀后的乌娜父母的城邦作为玄幻第二世界中的伊甸园。 第三章把怪异作为另一玄幻要素来讨论。在《仙后》第一卷中,怪异作为玄幻要素是通过对以下怪物的描写来体现的:在错误林中的巨蛇“错误”、巨人奥戈格里欧和恶龙。对于红十字骑士来说,巨蛇“错误”可以被理解为信仰的试金石,因为他与巨蛇“错误”在错误林中的较量已经是红十字骑士内心信仰不够坚定的危险信号的表征。巨人奥戈格里欧则可以被看作是一面镜子,通过对奥戈格里欧的分析,红十字骑士内心的欲望和恐惧一览无遗。至于对恶龙的分析,作者是把它当作乌娜父母城邦的邪恶的入侵者来展开的。恶龙对乌娜父母城邦的入侵使红十字骑士回归伊甸园和结束神圣之旅成为可能。总之,斯宾塞在《仙后》第一卷中对怪物的刻画使该史诗的玄幻画面变得更加生动,玄幻氛围更加吸引人。
[Abstract]:As one of the most important themes of the epic , the thesis focuses on the main adventures of the Red Cross Knight from a young knight to the Great Britain . As one of the most important themes of the epic , the thesis focuses on the main adventures of the Red Cross Knight in the first volume of the poem . This paper introduces the basic characteristics of the fantasy , the definition of " Xuphantom " , the reflection of the fantasy characters in the first volume of the essay , the author ' s own definition of the fantasy , and a brief summary of the main structure of the thesis . At the same time , the author also summarizes the relevant research of scholars and scholars at home and abroad in recent years . The first chapter describes the magic of magic as a fantasy element in the first volume , and consists of three sections . The first subsection focuses on the dream created by magic . The first section focuses on the use of black magic to manipulate people ' s consciousness . The second subsection deals with the use of magic to help them hide their identities and ultimately achieve their evil intentions . In the second chapter , the author interprets idealism as one of the most important factors in the first volume of Shi Bingxian . From a broad sense , the author of this thesis discusses the harmonious relationship between man and nature in the first volume of the Queen ' s Queen . The third chapter discusses the strange phenomenon as another fantasy element . In the first volume of the following monster , the monster ' s " mistake " can be seen as a touchstone of faith . For the Red Cross Knight , the giant snake ' s mistake ' can be seen as a touchstone of faith . For the Red Cross Knight , the Red Cross Knight ' s inner desires and fears can be seen . As for the Red Cross Knight ' s analysis , the Red Cross Knight returned to the Garden of Eden and ended the sacred journey .
[Abstract]:As one of the most important themes of the epic , the thesis focuses on the main adventures of the Red Cross Knight from a young knight to the Great Britain . As one of the most important themes of the epic , the thesis focuses on the main adventures of the Red Cross Knight in the first volume of the poem . This paper introduces the basic characteristics of the fantasy , the definition of " Xuphantom " , the reflection of the fantasy characters in the first volume of the essay , the author ' s own definition of the fantasy , and a brief summary of the main structure of the thesis . At the same time , the author also summarizes the relevant research of scholars and scholars at home and abroad in recent years . The first chapter describes the magic of magic as a fantasy element in the first volume , and consists of three sections . The first subsection focuses on the dream created by magic . The first section focuses on the use of black magic to manipulate people ' s consciousness . The second subsection deals with the use of magic to help them hide their identities and ultimately achieve their evil intentions . In the second chapter , the author interprets idealism as one of the most important factors in the first volume of Shi Bingxian . From a broad sense , the author of this thesis discusses the harmonious relationship between man and nature in the first volume of the Queen ' s Queen . The third chapter discusses the strange phenomenon as another fantasy element . In the first volume of the following monster , the monster ' s " mistake " can be seen as a touchstone of faith . For the Red Cross Knight , the giant snake ' s mistake ' can be seen as a touchstone of faith . For the Red Cross Knight , the Red Cross Knight ' s inner desires and fears can be seen . As for the Red Cross Knight ' s analysis , the Red Cross Knight returned to the Garden of Eden and ended the sacred journey .
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1 刘立辉;;斯宾塞《仙后》与西方史诗玄幻的叙事传统[J];重庆三峡学院学报;2008年06期
2 罗益民;《仙后》创作背景探源──兼论其寓意结构系统[J];四川外语学院学报;1996年01期
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1 陈浩然;斯宾塞《仙后》中的道德寓意解析[D];河北师范大学;2008年