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发布时间:2018-08-05 13:35
【摘要】:在1993年托妮.莫里森成为第一个获得诺贝尔文学奖的黑人女作家。这对于美国黑人文学具有重大的意义。作为当代美国黑人作家的最杰出代表,托妮.莫里森把黑人的语言、民间故事和神话传说运用到她的小说中,这有利于将黑人文化传播到世界各地。作为一个有着社会责任感的作家,托妮.莫里森的作品集中展现了美国黑人在美国社会中所遭遇到的各种无形和有形的种族歧视。她的作品不仅揭露了黑人所遭受的苦难,也努力寻找治愈黑人心理创伤的途径。她的作品赋予黑人民众以力量,让他们去认识并面对自己的种族、自己的文化和自己的黑人身份。 自从她的作品出版以来,学者和评论家就表现出极大的热情,试着以不同的批评理论去评判她的作品。许多评论家都把目光聚焦在导致黑人主体性缺失的外部因素上,而本文则更加强调导致黑人主体性缺失的内部因素,比如说,黑人的自我仇恨,文化缺失和黑人社区内部存在的种族主义。 文章以托妮.莫里森的两部杰作《宠儿》和《最蓝的眼睛》为样本,分析导致黑人主体性缺失的因素与重建黑人主体性的有效途径。作为托妮.莫里森最优秀的作品,《宠儿》揭露了奴隶制余毒对黑人民众的戕害。小说清晰地表明重新审视过去是黑人重建主体性不可或缺的途径。与此同时,托妮.莫里森敏锐地意识到黑人民众在意识形态领域所遭受到的文化殖民。《最蓝的眼睛》中,黑人小女孩皮克拉的悲剧强烈地谴责了白人文化入侵对黑人民众心灵的摧残。小说指出黑人民众只有扎根于传统的非洲文化才能找到自己的价值和身份。 论文分为五个部分。第一部分重点介绍了托妮.莫里森在文学上的巨大成就以及国内外对她作品的研究现状。 第二部分展示了《宠儿》和《最蓝的眼睛》中黑人在种族压迫下所遭受的非人虐待和由于文化缺失所导致的黑人的自我仇恨。比如说塞丝以牺牲自己女儿的性命为代价来维护她孩子的人权;保罗.D将他所有痛苦的记忆埋藏在心中。有些人则对白人文化的入侵选择了彻底妥协:比如说皮克拉讨厌自己的黑皮肤,渴望拥有一对蓝色的眼睛;波琳被白人文化价值洗脑,她把一切都献给她白人雇主的家,对自己的家庭却不管不问;查理则把自己的自我仇恨转嫁到更脆弱的弱小者身上。由于长期的种族压迫,许多美国黑人纵使获得了自由还是对自己的黑人身份觉得困惑。 第三部分分析导致黑人主体性缺失的原因。白人文化的入侵、父母关爱的缺失、社区的冷漠皆是造成黑人主体性缺失的重要因素。 第四部分主要探究了黑人主体性重建的途径。关爱自我、构建和谐的家庭关系、依靠传统的非洲文化皆是美国黑人重构主体性的有效方法。此外,为了重建主体性,人们还必须勇敢地走出奴隶制的阴影并加强黑人社区自身的建设。 第五部分从总体上总结了论文。通过对不同人物角色的成功塑造,托妮.莫里森表明了她本人对黑人主体性重建的观点想法。作为美国黑人文化的一部分,托妮.莫里森的作品已经对世界文学产生了深远的影响。
[Abstract]:In 1993, Toni Morrison became the first black woman writer to win the Nobel prize for literature. It was of great significance to American black literature. As the most outstanding representative of contemporary American black writers, Toni Morrison applied black language, folklore and mythology to her novels, which was beneficial to the transmission of black culture. As a writer of social responsibility, as a writer with a sense of social responsibility, Toni Morrison's work focuses on the invisible and tangible racial discrimination encountered by black Americans in American society. Her works not only expose the sufferings of the black people, but also seek ways to cure the blacks' psychological trauma. Empowering the black people to understand and face their own race, their culture and their black identity.
Since her work has been published, scholars and critics have shown great enthusiasm and tried to judge her works with different critical theories. Many critics have focused on the external factors that lead to the loss of black subjectivity, and this article emphasizes the internal factors that lead to the lack of black subjectivity, for example, black. Self hatred, lack of culture and racism within the black community.
This article, taking the two masterpieces of Toni Morrison's masterpieces < beloved > and the blue eyes as the sample, analyzes the factors leading to the lack of black subjectivity and the effective way to reconstruct the black subjectivity. As the best work of Toni Morrison, the beloved, < beloved > exposes the harm of slavery to the black people. The novel clearly shows the reexamination of the past. At the same time, Toni Morrison is acutely aware of the cultural colonization of the black people in the ideological field. < blue eyes >, the black little girl Piquera's tragedy strongly condemns the blight of white culture invasion to the black people. The novel points out the black people. Only by taking root in the traditional African culture can we find our value and identity.
The thesis is divided into five parts. The first part focuses on Toni Morrison's great achievements in literature and the research status of her works at home and abroad.
The second part shows "beloved" and "the bluest eyes", the nonhuman abuse of the blacks under racial oppression and the self hatred of the black people caused by the lack of culture. For example, Seth maintains her child's human rights at the expense of her daughter's life; Paul.D buried all his painful memories in his heart. A thorough compromise on the invasion of white culture: for example, pikaka hates his black skin and desires to have a pair of blue eyes; Boleyn is brainwashed by white cultural values. She dedicates everything to her white employer's home, regardless of her own family; Charlie turns her own hatred to more vulnerable. In the weak, many black Americans are perplexed by their black identity, despite their freedom, because of long-term racial oppression.
The third part analyses the causes of the blacks' lack of subjectivity. The invasion of white culture, the absence of parental care, and the apathy of the community are all important factors that cause the blacks' lack of subjectivity.
The fourth part mainly explores the ways of the reconstruction of the black body. Caring for self, building a harmonious family relationship and relying on the traditional African culture are the effective ways of reconstructing the subjectivity of the black Americans. In addition, in order to rebuild the subjectivity, people must be brave to walk out the shadow of slavery and strengthen the construction of the black community itself.
The fifth part summarizes the thesis in general. Through the successful molding of different characters, Toni Morrison shows her own views on the reconstruction of black subjectivity. As part of the American black culture, Toni Morrison's works have had a profound influence on world literature.


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