[Abstract]:How to carry out the cross-disciplinary study of comparative literature, this paper talks about three articles from different angles. He Yunbo's "Literature and Ethics: how can Dialogue be possible" takes the relationship between Literature and Ethics as an example, reveals that different disciplines share a set of discourse, but because of the difference in value orientation, it is difficult for dialogue. Like the description of gender relations in literature, it often conflicts with reality. Literature and ethics, how to dialogue, integration, will become a problem. Ji Ning's "the relationship between Music and Dance in Dance Art from an Interdisciplinary Perspective" combs the relationship between music and dance in dance disciplines by combining with the theoretical thinking of "the Theory of Sound without sadness", which is a traditional aesthetic study of music. And to this one relation puts forward "the dance style decides the law". Song Defa, Wang Jing's "Interdisciplinary study of Comparative Literature: 30 years of chaos" generalizes the controversy of some theoretical hot issues into three points: first, is "cross-culture" necessary? Second, is it necessary to "focus on literature"? Third, how can we "interdiscipline"? It is also pointed out that if the interdisciplinary study of comparative literature is examined from a "disciplinary standpoint", it will naturally become entangled in these debates, and if it is examined by "problem standpoint", these entanglements will disappear. As long as researchers really have interdisciplinary awareness, especially the ability to cross-disciplinary, then, no matter how cross-over can. These articles are carried out from different angles, and it is believed that the theoretical construction of cross-disciplinary research on comparative literature is of great significance.
【作者单位】: 湘潭大学文学与新闻学院;
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