[Abstract]:Nobel Prize winner Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov (1915-1984) this year's 110th anniversary. He is one of the most outstanding writers in the Soviet Union and is known as "the conscience of the Russian people." A man's suffering "is his famous short story, which highlights an eternal ethical theme: war and man's fate. Its most important value lies in the reflection and description of the realistic social ethical and moral image, which contains the distinct ethical value and moral tendency of the Russian nation and has the unique teaching purpose of literature. This paper intends to analyze the novel by using the principle of literary ethics criticism in order to reveal three main themes: (1) the fate of man and the ethical environment of war, and the relationship between man and the ethical environment of war in his works; (2) the fate of man and the ethical choice after the war, and the analysis of the ethical choice made by the protagonist Andrea Sokolov after the war; (3) the return of man's destiny and ethics, through the tragic experience of the protagonist in the war and the strong and lofty spirit of the protagonist in the suffering, the moral evaluation of man's fate and the tragedy of the war calls for the ethical return.
【作者单位】: 武汉理工大学外国语学院;
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