[Abstract]:Aimo Foster was a famous British novelist and essayist in the first half of the 20th century. Although only six novels were published, he was recognized as the most important writer in the early 20th century along with John Conrad, Lawrence and Virginia Woolf in the history of modern English literature. Based on ecological criticism, this paper analyzes the writing philosophy of the concept of connection embodied in Foster's Room of visible scenery, Howard Abbey and the Journey to India. The paper is divided into four parts. The first part, based on the role of natural person in the novel, reveals Forster's firm belief in nature and his philosophy of connection. The second part explores the important places in the novel, namely Italy, Howard Manor and the Marabas Grottoes. As far as Foster is concerned, these sites share the same characteristics. They are perfect human habitat, nature and culture are perfectly integrated, literature, music and painting coexist with rivers, flowers and Rain Water. The third part, based on the dissimilated human role in the novel, reveals the great disaster caused by the separation between man and nature, and proves the importance of the connection between man and nature from the opposite side. The last part is the different results of the connection in the novel, and the causes of the different results. The four parts of the article show a very obvious contrast: the place from free Italy to chaotic India, the character from natural person to alienation, and the connection from success to complete failure. These contrasts reflect the importance of the connection between man and nature. Only when the connection between man and nature is realized will man be able to embrace each other.
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