[Abstract]:Edward Arbi is widely recognized as the greatest living playwright in the United States. As a prolific writer, he wrote a lot of excellent plays. One of the themes of these plays cannot be ignored: the ubiquitous motif of death. The purpose of this thesis is to prove that Arbi's intention to depict these images of death is not from pessimism, but to guide people to obtain the real life through the real understanding of death. Under the guise of a gloomy background, Arbi actually shows his meditation on life and death through his plays. For him, death was not just the end of life that had been neglected before it came. Instead, it has been present throughout one's life and continues to influence people's way of life. This understanding of death echoes that of modern philosophy, Martin Heidegger's philosophy of death. Therefore, in order to better conceptualize and deeply analyze the death motif in Arbi's works, this paper introduces Heidegger's related death philosophy. In a systematic framework, detailed analysis and interpretation of plays related to important death, such as Zoo Story, Little Alice, end and three tall Women, are made. First of all, in order to point out the similarities between Arbi and Heidegger's philosophy of death, this paper gives a brief introduction to the idea of living towards death and the theme of death in Arbi's works. On this basis, the main body, the third, fourth, and fifth parts analyze the characters in different stages of death in detail. There are people who live a fixed life, who never think of death, who are numb, and who are in a state of "annoyance" and "fear", who are at the fork of the consciousness of death. For those who open their hearts to consciousness, it is their choice whether to sink into something that is not true, or to enter the path of life to death. Love and sincere communication are essential to them if they want to live in earnest. Thus, Arbi's positive attitude toward life and death is obvious. His real intention is to guide people to true freedom and true life through death.
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