[Abstract]:Alice Walker is one of the most influential writers in contemporary American literature. She is recognized as the spokesman of black women in the United States. Because of her impressive images of black women in her works, she has been neglected by the mainstream culture, and the black women who have been marginalized by the society have acquired the right to be heard. She calls for the awakening of black women's self-consciousness in order to free black women from the double oppression of sexism and racism. His masterpiece, Purple, is regarded as an eternal classic and one of the most reread literary works in the world. It successfully tells the story of black women who are ravaged and oppressed by racism and sexism, and find a way to self-salvation with the help and push of love. Walker suggests that in order to achieve true independence and liberation, black women must complete the establishment of their own identity, the construction of their national identity and the reconstruction of their social identity. And the sisterhood among black women exudes the unique charm, helps them to establish the self-identity successfully, has obtained the body and the spiritual liberation; The love of black culture makes the national identity of black women be constructed, gain self-esteem and self-confidence, and realize self-worth. The fraternity of black women towards black men makes black women gain respect and true love from men, win equal social status, and finally reconstruct the social status of black women. This paper will explain how the black women in the works successfully establish their own identity, build their national identity and rebuild their social identity through their love. Sisterhood is a great guarantee to promote the establishment of self-identity of black women. Through sisterhood, black women realize self-awakening and self-liberation, and dare to resist racial and gender oppression. The construction of national identity is accomplished by the love of traditional black culture: the love of Bruce evokes the self-esteem of black women and wins the respect and appreciation of black men and even whites; Black women's love and inheritance of sewing technology make black women realize their self-worth. The tolerance and dedication of black women to black men make black men gradually learn to respect and truly love black women. At the end of the story, there is a picture of gender harmony between men and women, and the social status of black women has obviously been reconstructed and improved. Through sisterhood, love of traditional black culture and fraternity to black men, black women have constructed their own identity and national identity, reconstructed their social identity, found a way out and gained liberation.
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