[Abstract]:The most famous of the first-generation Frankfurt school, Theordo Wiesen-Adorno, is a philosopher, a musical sociologist and a cultural critic who are full of art endowment. He is very concerned about the alienation of the late capitalist society, and in the monopoly of the capitalist society, the capitalist society, through the non-violent tool of ideology, has made a comprehensive dissimilation on the people living in the capitalist society. The tool of the bourgeois implementation of the ideology control is mainly the mass culture, and the cultural industry uses the identity thinking to hinder the individual's ability to think and imagination. Therefore, the primary task of the modern proletarian revolution is to try to get rid of the ideological control of the cultural industry and to restore the ability of the public to think independently, so that we can see the hope of liberation. The self-discipline of the modernism art and its promotion of non-identity can reject the erosion of the bourgeois ideology, and then restore the perceptual consciousness of the proletariat and bring the hope of liberation for mankind. The main task of this paper is to study Adorno's art theory from the relationship between the ideological criticism and the modernism art and the cultural industrial products. The article can be divided into the following parts: The introduction of Adorno's life experience, the process of thought development, and the current status of the study of the art theory in China, the task of this paper is to give the reader a brief introduction to the contents of this paper. The first chapter mainly introduces the connotation of Adorno's ideology and its formation. On the basis of the philosophy of ideology, first of all, the development course of the ideology theory is simply summarized, and Marx is the first person to realize the real ideology criticism. The Frankfurt school combined with the social reality of the life, and made the ideology different from the tradition. The new interpretation of Adorno's ideological criticism. The most distinctive. Adorno's attitude to the ideology is completely negative, because in his view the ideology of the late capitalist society is no longer the spirit of the superstructure, but it becomes objective The most characteristic of Adorno's ideology is that he regards the identity of thought as the consciousness of capitalism The second chapter is the discussion of the culture industry, because in Adorno's view the capitalist social and cultural industry plays a positive role It is the role of the ideology. In order to occupy the market more, the product of the cultural industry is trying to pursue the novelty of the personality, but this kind of pseudo-personality is hidden under the pseudo-personality. The nature of the identity of the taste. Through the false meeting, he has hindered the public's consideration of the display, and paralysed the psychology of the public, so that the negative ability and the critical energy of the public The force slowly disappeared. The mass culture lost its original self-discipline and negative, and the capital. In order to show its theory more fully, this chapter also clarifies that Adorno's response to reason is not a negative one. Redemption of sex is possible. Chapter 3 illustrates the need for modernism art and resistance to ideological control. The non-identity has a high degree of fit. The modernism art, through its self-discipline, refuses the assimilation of the society, shows the social suffering hidden by the cultural industrial products, plays the negative and critical function of the art, The thinking ability of the cultural industry to engulf. Therefore, we should resist the control of the ideology to the human, and realize the liberation of the human Adorno's art theory has a distinct characteristic, and he not only has a strong modernity A traditional color that can't be removed. It is because of the profundity and richness of Adorno's thought, he is in the Western beauty. The fourth chapter compares the theory of Adorno's aesthetic theory with the theory of Benjamin, Habermas and Yao, so that we can make us more in a cross-text environment. With a comprehensive understanding of the art theory of Adorno, Benyamin and Adorno, in the attitude of treatment of the cultural industry, have had a bitter argument, and Benjamin believes that the culture industry has led to the popularization of the art from the elite to the popularization, and promoted the popularization of the lower and lower layers in the art. The technology has lost the art. The real essence, therefore, has not been negative. Habermas has criticized the attitude of Adorno's negative tool, and he does not think it is necessary to enter into a rational way Redeemer and reason can be fully self-heeded. Mr. Yao's opposition to Adorno's art of art is divided into affirmative art and negative art, and in his view, Adorno is complete. The residual theory is a simple summary of the article, and in the light of some opposition voices,
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