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发布时间:2019-03-27 08:03
【摘要】:曹禺是我国现代剧坛最重要的剧作家,奥尼尔是美国现代戏剧开先河式的人物。宏观上,他们在戏剧观念、人物形象的塑造和创作手法上都有相似的追求;微观而言,他们的本质都是诗人,都受过母爱缺失和婚姻坎坷的情感心理创伤,同时他们都受到古希腊悲剧和易卜生等历代名家的影响,都将自己的生命体验熔铸在自己的创作中,都不约而同的揭示人所面临的生存困境尤其是精神困境,尤其关心社会上小人物的生存现状,创造了一批灰色人物和富有鲜明个性色彩的女性形象。同时,他们也不停的追问宇宙间主宰人命运的神秘力量,和书写人无论如何挣扎都难逃悲剧厄运的不变宿命,相似的追求彰显出两位作家很强的可比性。 本文在总结前人研究成果的基础上,拟采用平行研究和影响研究相结合的研究方法,以作家笔下母与子类型形象为比较基点,将曹禺和奥尼尔母与子形象具体分为敢爱敢恨的强势母亲、自我放纵的堕落母亲、人性扭曲的变态母亲和耽于梦幻的纯真之子、爱恨两难的孽子、怯懦无能的弱子各三种类型,在分析另类母与子性格特征的基础上,探析其精神实质和悲剧根源。通过对曹禺和奥尼尔笔下母与子形象的相似点的分析,一方面得出两位剧作家在精神气质和文化审美上的相通之处;另一方面从剧作人物所体现的文化符码,挖掘出曹禺在人物形象塑造上所具有的民族独创性,探索出曹禺在接受外来文化影响的过程中是如何实现本土化的,进一步探寻曹禺剧作的当代意义。
[Abstract]:Cao Yu is the most important playwright in modern drama in China. O'Neill is the pioneer of American modern drama. Macroscopically, they have similar pursuits on the concept of drama, the creation and creation of characters. In microcosmic terms, both of them are poets who have suffered the emotional and psychological trauma of the absence of maternal love and the ups and downs of marriage. At the same time, they have been influenced by ancient Greek tragedies and Ibsen and other famous scholars of all ages. All of them melt their own life experience into their own creation, and all reveal the plight of human existence, especially the spiritual dilemma, and are especially concerned about the survival status of small potatoes in the society. Created a group of gray characters and distinctive personality of the female image. At the same time, they kept asking the mysterious forces of the universe to dominate the fate of human beings, and the author could not escape the fate of tragedy in any case, and the similar pursuit demonstrated the strong comparability between the two writers. On the basis of summarizing the previous research results, this paper intends to adopt the method of combining parallel research and influence research, taking the images of mother and subtypes in the writer's writings as the basic point of comparison. The images of Cao Yu and O'Neill 's mother and son are divided into three types: the strong mother who dares to love and hate, the degenerate mother who indulges in self-indulgence, the perverted mother with distorted human nature and the pure son who is lost in dreams, the son who loves and hates the dilemma, and the weak child who is cowardly and incompetent. On the basis of analyzing the character characteristics of the alternative mother and child, the spiritual essence and tragic origin of the alternative mother and child are analyzed. Through the analysis of the similarities between the images of mother and child written by Cao Yu and O'Neill, on the one hand, the similarities between the two dramatists in spiritual temperament and cultural aesthetics are drawn. On the other hand, from the cultural symbols embodied by the characters of the dramas, the author excavates the national originality of Cao Yu in shaping the characters, and explores how Cao Yu realized the localization in the process of accepting the influence of foreign culture. Further explore the contemporary significance of Cao Yu's plays.


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1 曹华;论曹禺《雷雨》中的主仆之恋[D];曲阜师范大学;2016年




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