[Abstract]:At the end of 2000, Gao Xingjian, a French Chinese writer, won the Nobel Prize for Literature for his novel Lingshan. For Chinese literary circles, the Nobel Prize is not only an irresistible temptation, but also a great challenge. However, when the Chinese-speaking reader circle unfamiliar writer with his "Lingshan" to the world through such a privilege, to make the focus of the country re-focus. But at present, the research on Lingshan is mainly focused on the analysis of Chinese version and French version. The purpose of this paper is to use the reception aesthetics theory of the German literary critic Joss, through the text analysis of the two editions of China and France, to explain why the French version of Lingshan has been successful in France from the angle of cultural acceptance and literature. "Lingshan is an unparalleled, rare literary masterpiece." The preface of the thesis focuses on analyzing the image of Gao Xingjian and the background of Lingshan, and then briefly describes the source of translation between the translator No l Dutrait and the French version of Lingshan. For oriental literature, first-class creation must also have a first-class translation. The first part mainly discusses the theory of reception aesthetics and its influence on literary translation. The second part makes a detailed introduction to the background of Lingshan, author Gao Xingjian and translator No l Dutrait, which lays the groundwork for the third part. The third part analyzes the reason why the French version Lingshan is successful in France and the reason why it won the prize according to the theory of the first part. The innovation of this paper lies in the analysis of the research text from the perspectives of translation and literature, in an attempt to describe the "incomparable" part of Lingshan. And how the translator makes the native elements of Chinese text (such as the unknown folk custom in southwest China) get the recognition of the western readers, which is also the focus of the paper. Finally, the paper draws the conclusion that the French version of Lingshan is both "consistent" and "surpassing" the literary aesthetics of western readers, and has been favored by Swedish Academy of Arts. From this we know that Chinese culture and literature in order to "go out" well not only needs its own typical Chinese characteristics of the content and Western writing techniques of the combination, but also need a proper translation.
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