[Abstract]:In the era of cultural industry in the 21 st century, the idea of cultural content has become a core element of the national competitive power, and it is a literary work to dominate the world. The classical literature contains the history of the nation, the traditional culture art and the emotion, and because of the nation-based cultural archetype, it has the universal universality and particularity. The story in the classical literature implies a cultural archetype, often composed of the narrative structure of the author's description. The cultural prototype material of the traditional culture and art in the literature is excavated, and the cultural content creation is realized, which can be used for many cultural content creative fields and cultural industries. In addition, cultural archetypes and existing narrative structures in literature may need to be creative with the cultural content that can be re-created with storytelling methods that reflect the characteristics of the media and communicate with customers. The story is a story-telling method that the performer and the audience participate in the same media and interact on the scene. A story-telling method for the development of a successful cultural prototype and story material, to be famous at home and abroad, with the successful cultural content of competitiveness, requires the so-called OSMU sales war with a variety of uses The OSMU sales strategy refers to the fact that a kind of content creative is created to create a variety of media content ideas and realize the commercialization of the cultural industry. An OSMU, a story-telling method, which is transferred to other media to play the media and get a brand-new expression. The cultural archetypes of literature are very important today. It's worth. What cultural archetypes? The most effective way is to find a nation's text in a literary work that is the most effective way to go beyond the times. The development of the archetypal. The national mood is universal in the collective unconsciousness. As a whole, a nation forms a common emotional bond in the common source of life, and gradually forms the characteristic of the regional nationality, and finally becomes the text A prototype based on mythological archetypes and root causes, starting in a harry, printed as a novel, and always being loved by the public across the times. The Song of the Spring and the Spring Festival is inserted into the mythological archetypal and the national speech, which contains the collective unconsciousness of the "to hate" and the "Hing", which are in accordance with the national mood, and has a very high national culture. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the cultural archetypes carried by the love story of the "Chorus of the spring and the spring of the spring", and to reveal and develop the cultural content of the culture industry. In this paper, through the analysis of the cultural archetypes, the establishment of the story and the structure of the narrative of the Myth of Honolulu, the paper reveals the reasons for the "Chorus of the Spring and the Spring of the Spring"> for the cultural archetype, and also analyzes the culture according to the relationship between the national culture and the national emotion. On the basis of this, the four cultural archetype values, such as the permanence, the time character, the national character and the multi-sidedness, which are included in the text, are taken as the permanent, the times, the nationality and the one-sidedness of the text. In addition, first, the main concept of cultural industry, such as the definition of OSMU, culture prototype, cultural content creation, storytelling, digital products and so on, is also investigated, and the cultural archetypes and cultural contents studied in the field of classical literature are also investigated. In this paper, according to the content of the cultural archetype of the "Chorus of the Spring and the Spring Festival", the author analyzes the diversity of the characters and the advantages of the art and the diversity of the art, and also analyzes and studies the process of the creation of the cultural content with the method of the story-telling as the main basis. The example of the creation of the process of creation. The author and the age of the classical literary works with the theme of "Chunxiang" are more than 120 kinds, and the subject is different in different times. It can be regarded as a collection of works
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