发布时间:2021-06-26 07:33
【文章页数】:60 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 The object of the present study
1.2 The significance of the study
1.3 The goal and problem of the study
1.4 Organization of the thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 CDA’s studies at abroad
2.1.1 Roger Fowler and the appearance of CL
2.1.2 Teun A. van Dijk’s socio-cognitive approach towards CDA
2.1.3 Ruth Wodak’s discourse-historical approach towards CDA
2.1.4 Norman Fairclough’s viewpoint towards CDA
2.2 CDA’s studies in China
2.3 The connection between CDA and SFL
2.4 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Norman Fairclough’s CDA Model
3.3 M.A.K. Halliday’s SFL Model
3.4 Summary
Chapter Four Two Texts Studies with the CDA Three-Dimensional Model
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Text
4.2.1 Vocabulary : Halliday’s metafunctions of epithet
4.2.2 Contents analysis of some sentences in the texts
4.2.3 Text Structure analysis
4.3 Discoursive Practice
4.3.1 Processes of text production
4.3.2 Processes of text distribution
4.3.3 Processes of text consumption
4.4 Social Practice
4.4.1 Social Environment
4.4.2 Ideology Structures Events
4.5 Summary
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary and discussion
5.2.1 Findings of the Study
5.2.2 Limitations of the Study
5.3 Conclusion
Appendix Ⅰ Cinderell a
Appendix Ⅱ Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
[1]童话叙事中互为话语性的批评性分析——以《爱丽斯漫游记》为例[J]. 丁建新,许伊. 深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版). 2007(06)
[2]体裁结构潜势、语义特征与语法体现——格林童话的首尾研究[J]. 廖益清,丁建新. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2007(04)
[3]系统功能语言学与批评话语分析:回顾与前景展望[J]. 刘立华. 西安外国语大学学报. 2007(02)
[4]批评话语分析研究综述[J]. 施光. 学术论坛. 2007(04)
[5]批评话语分析研究新动态[J]. 支永碧. 外语与外语教学. 2007(03)
[6]从批评话语分析看《爱丽斯漫游奇境记》中的互文性[J]. 李妙晴. 中山大学学报论丛. 2007(02)
[7]中国的批评语言学研究综观[J]. 陈丽江. 外语教学. 2006(06)
[8]二十五年的风雨历程——批评话语分析国内外发展概况评述[J]. 纪卫宁. 聊城大学学报(社会科学版). 2006(05)
[9]语篇研究的批评视角:从批评语言学到批评话语分析[J]. 田海龙. 山东外语教学. 2006(02)
[10]应用语言学研究的新视野——《批评应用语言学:批评性概论》评介[J]. 李丽生. 现代外语. 2005(01)
【文章页数】:60 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 The object of the present study
1.2 The significance of the study
1.3 The goal and problem of the study
1.4 Organization of the thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 CDA’s studies at abroad
2.1.1 Roger Fowler and the appearance of CL
2.1.2 Teun A. van Dijk’s socio-cognitive approach towards CDA
2.1.3 Ruth Wodak’s discourse-historical approach towards CDA
2.1.4 Norman Fairclough’s viewpoint towards CDA
2.2 CDA’s studies in China
2.3 The connection between CDA and SFL
2.4 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Norman Fairclough’s CDA Model
3.3 M.A.K. Halliday’s SFL Model
3.4 Summary
Chapter Four Two Texts Studies with the CDA Three-Dimensional Model
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Text
4.2.1 Vocabulary : Halliday’s metafunctions of epithet
4.2.2 Contents analysis of some sentences in the texts
4.2.3 Text Structure analysis
4.3 Discoursive Practice
4.3.1 Processes of text production
4.3.2 Processes of text distribution
4.3.3 Processes of text consumption
4.4 Social Practice
4.4.1 Social Environment
4.4.2 Ideology Structures Events
4.5 Summary
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary and discussion
5.2.1 Findings of the Study
5.2.2 Limitations of the Study
5.3 Conclusion
Appendix Ⅰ Cinderell a
Appendix Ⅱ Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
[1]童话叙事中互为话语性的批评性分析——以《爱丽斯漫游记》为例[J]. 丁建新,许伊. 深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版). 2007(06)
[2]体裁结构潜势、语义特征与语法体现——格林童话的首尾研究[J]. 廖益清,丁建新. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2007(04)
[3]系统功能语言学与批评话语分析:回顾与前景展望[J]. 刘立华. 西安外国语大学学报. 2007(02)
[4]批评话语分析研究综述[J]. 施光. 学术论坛. 2007(04)
[5]批评话语分析研究新动态[J]. 支永碧. 外语与外语教学. 2007(03)
[6]从批评话语分析看《爱丽斯漫游奇境记》中的互文性[J]. 李妙晴. 中山大学学报论丛. 2007(02)
[7]中国的批评语言学研究综观[J]. 陈丽江. 外语教学. 2006(06)
[8]二十五年的风雨历程——批评话语分析国内外发展概况评述[J]. 纪卫宁. 聊城大学学报(社会科学版). 2006(05)
[9]语篇研究的批评视角:从批评语言学到批评话语分析[J]. 田海龙. 山东外语教学. 2006(02)
[10]应用语言学研究的新视野——《批评应用语言学:批评性概论》评介[J]. 李丽生. 现代外语. 2005(01)