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【文章页数】:61 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 The General Introduction of Katherine Mansfield
        1.1.1 The Musical Life of Katherine Mansfield
        1.1.2 The Writing of Katherine Mansfield
    1.2 Literature Review
    1.3 The Format of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature and Music
    2.1 Literature and Music in Theory
    2.2 Literature and Music in Classical Works
    2.3 Literature and Music in the Works of Katherine Mansfield
Chapter Three The Musicality in the Narration of Katherine Mansfield's Works
    3.1 The Brief Introduction of Polyphony
    3.2 The Counterpoint in Mansfield's works
        3.2.1 The Brief Introduction of Counterpoint
        3.2.2 The Counterpoint of Three Daughters in "Prelude"
        3.2.3 The Counterpoint of Three Women in "Prelude"
        3.2.4 The Counterpoint between Men and Women in "Prelude"
    3.3 The Multiple Voices of Polyphony in "Prelude"
        3.3.1 The Solitary Voice of Beryl
        3.3.2 The Arrogant Voice of Stanley
        3.3.3 The Idle Voice of Linda
    3.4 The Unfinalizability of Polyphony in "Prelude"
    3.5 The Dialogism of Polyphony in "Prelude"
        3.5.1 The Macro Dialogue in "Prelude"
        3.5.2 The Micro Dialogue in "Prelude"
Chapter Four The Musicality in the Content of Katherine Mansfield's Works
    4.1 The Leitmotif in the Content of Mansfield's Works
        4.1.1 The Brief Introduction of the Leitmotif
        4.1.2 The Leitmotif in "Prelude"
        4.1.3 The Leitmotif in "Miss Brill"
        4.1.4 The Leitmotif in "The Garden-Party"
    4.2 The Songs in Mansfield's Works
        4.2.1 The Song in "The Garden-Party"
        4.2.2 The Songs in "The Singing Lesson"
    4.3 The Musical Acoustics in Mansfield's Works
    4.4 Mansfield's Works Titled with Musical Terms
    4.5 The Characters Associated with Music in Mansfield's Works
Chapter Five The Musicality in the Form of Katherine Mansfield's Works
    5.1 Rhythm in the Form of Mansfield's Works
        5.1.1 The Brief Introduction of Rhythm
        5.1.2 Rhythm in the works of Katherine Mansfield
    5.2 Repetition in the Form of Mansfield's Works
        5.2.1 The Brief Introduction of Repetition
        5.2.2 Repetition in the Works of Katherine Mansfield
Chapter Six Conclusion
Personal Profiles

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[4]论史铁生小说《我的遥远的清平湾》的音乐性[D]. 牛颖.吉林大学 2009
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