发布时间:2021-08-19 17:20
约翰·福尔斯(John Fowles,1926-2005)被誉为“战后英国最有才华、最严肃的小说家”,“最伟大的当代作家和后现代小说家”。他的作品一向被奉为后现代主义文学的经典范例。国外对福尔斯的小说研究无论从数量还是质量上来看,产量颇丰;可是国内对福尔斯的小说研究更多的集中在他的早期作品上,对于福尔斯80年代创作的最后一部小说《幻想》很少提及。笔者在以往研究的基础上,试图挖掘《幻想》这部小说作为玄学侦探小说的显著特点。本文首先分析福尔斯在作品中所套用的侦探小说模式及其反常规的特点,并进一步证明它是一部玄学侦探小说;然后,通过对比《幻想》和福尔斯的另外一部短篇侦探小说《迷》,总结福尔斯本人对玄学侦探小说理论的特殊贡献;最后阐释隐含在这部伪侦探小说中的“玄学”因素:存在主义和女性主义观念。根据以上的分析和研究,笔者得出结论,在《幻想》这部玄学侦探小说中,福尔斯借用侦探小说的模式探讨其存在主义哲学思想及男女平等的社会理想,旨在用侦探小说这只“旧瓶”装入“新酒”。
【文章来源】:兰州大学甘肃省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:71 页
Chapter One:John Fowles and Detective Fiction
1.1 John Fowles and His Fictional Works
1.2 A Maggot as a Detective Story
1.2.1 The Formulaic Writing Mode of Detective Fiction
1.2.2 A Maggot in the Form of a Detective Story
1.2.3 A Maggot:A Detective Story Following the Theme of Quest
Chapter Two:A Maggot as a Metaphysical Detective Fiction
2.1 What is Metaphysical Detective Fiction?
2.1.1 A Brief History of Metaphysical Detective Fiction
2.1.2 Characteristics of Metaphysical Detective Fiction
2.2 A Maggot as a Metaphysical Detective Story
2.2.1 The Missing-Person Type
2.2.2 Fowles's Contributions to the Subgenre
Chapter Three:Existentialism Embodied in A Maggot
3.1 John Fowles and Existentialism
3.1.1 Existential Freedom
3.1.2 John Fowles's Existential Notions
3.2 The Theme of Existential Freedom in A Maggot
3.2.1 Grim Social Environment and Marginal People
3.2.2 Bartholomew's Anxiety for Freedom,Free Choices and Actions
3.2.3 Rebecca's Anxiety for Freedom,Free Choices and Actions
3.2.4 Education:The Catalytic Agent of Rebecca's Change
Chapter Four:Feminism Embodied in A Maggot
4.1 The Source of John Fowles's Feminist Notions in A Maggot
4.1.1 Virginia Woolf's Androgynous Ideas
4.1.2 Androgynous Ideas in the Field of Religion
4.2 Fowles's Feminist Notions in A Maggot
4.2.1 Bartholomew:An Imperfect Androgynous Figure
4.2.2 Rebecca:A Spokeswoman of Fowles's Feminist Notions
4.2.3 The Significance of Fowles's Feminist Notions in the Novel
附录 攻读学位期间发表的论文
[1]《俄狄浦斯王》中的侦探小说因子[J]. 袁洪庚. 外国文学研究. 2008(06)
[2]历史与伦理:乔治·艾略特的《罗慕拉》[J]. 毛亮. 外国文学评论. 2008(02)
[3]“元小说”与“元叙述”之差异及其对阐释的影响[J]. 王丽亚. 外国文学评论. 2008(02)
[4]“双性同体”——伍尔夫的女性创作意识[J]. 何亚惠. 徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2007(01)
[5]试论文艺作品中主体建构的“雌雄同体”意识[J]. 戴瑶琴. 江西社会科学. 2005(11)
[6]转折与流变:中国当代玄学侦探小说发生论[J]. 袁洪庚. 文艺研究. 2002(02)
[7]“双性同体”在文学中的应用综述[J]. 冷东. 广州大学学报(社会科学版). 2002(01)
[8]解构中的建构:“两桩案件”的侦探小说程式分析[J]. 袁洪庚. 兰州大学学报. 2001(06)
[9]“寻觅”母题的无限延伸——对《塞巴斯蒂安·耐特真实的一生》的一种解读[J]. 袁洪庚. 国外文学. 2000(04)
[10]“双性同体”的历史演变及文化蕴涵[J]. 冷东. 文艺争鸣. 1999(05)
【文章来源】:兰州大学甘肃省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:71 页
Chapter One:John Fowles and Detective Fiction
1.1 John Fowles and His Fictional Works
1.2 A Maggot as a Detective Story
1.2.1 The Formulaic Writing Mode of Detective Fiction
1.2.2 A Maggot in the Form of a Detective Story
1.2.3 A Maggot:A Detective Story Following the Theme of Quest
Chapter Two:A Maggot as a Metaphysical Detective Fiction
2.1 What is Metaphysical Detective Fiction?
2.1.1 A Brief History of Metaphysical Detective Fiction
2.1.2 Characteristics of Metaphysical Detective Fiction
2.2 A Maggot as a Metaphysical Detective Story
2.2.1 The Missing-Person Type
2.2.2 Fowles's Contributions to the Subgenre
Chapter Three:Existentialism Embodied in A Maggot
3.1 John Fowles and Existentialism
3.1.1 Existential Freedom
3.1.2 John Fowles's Existential Notions
3.2 The Theme of Existential Freedom in A Maggot
3.2.1 Grim Social Environment and Marginal People
3.2.2 Bartholomew's Anxiety for Freedom,Free Choices and Actions
3.2.3 Rebecca's Anxiety for Freedom,Free Choices and Actions
3.2.4 Education:The Catalytic Agent of Rebecca's Change
Chapter Four:Feminism Embodied in A Maggot
4.1 The Source of John Fowles's Feminist Notions in A Maggot
4.1.1 Virginia Woolf's Androgynous Ideas
4.1.2 Androgynous Ideas in the Field of Religion
4.2 Fowles's Feminist Notions in A Maggot
4.2.1 Bartholomew:An Imperfect Androgynous Figure
4.2.2 Rebecca:A Spokeswoman of Fowles's Feminist Notions
4.2.3 The Significance of Fowles's Feminist Notions in the Novel
附录 攻读学位期间发表的论文
[1]《俄狄浦斯王》中的侦探小说因子[J]. 袁洪庚. 外国文学研究. 2008(06)
[2]历史与伦理:乔治·艾略特的《罗慕拉》[J]. 毛亮. 外国文学评论. 2008(02)
[3]“元小说”与“元叙述”之差异及其对阐释的影响[J]. 王丽亚. 外国文学评论. 2008(02)
[4]“双性同体”——伍尔夫的女性创作意识[J]. 何亚惠. 徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2007(01)
[5]试论文艺作品中主体建构的“雌雄同体”意识[J]. 戴瑶琴. 江西社会科学. 2005(11)
[6]转折与流变:中国当代玄学侦探小说发生论[J]. 袁洪庚. 文艺研究. 2002(02)
[7]“双性同体”在文学中的应用综述[J]. 冷东. 广州大学学报(社会科学版). 2002(01)
[8]解构中的建构:“两桩案件”的侦探小说程式分析[J]. 袁洪庚. 兰州大学学报. 2001(06)
[9]“寻觅”母题的无限延伸——对《塞巴斯蒂安·耐特真实的一生》的一种解读[J]. 袁洪庚. 国外文学. 2000(04)
[10]“双性同体”的历史演变及文化蕴涵[J]. 冷东. 文艺争鸣. 1999(05)