发布时间:2021-09-03 23:00
【文章来源】:哈尔滨工程大学黑龙江省 211工程院校
【文章页数】:86 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Virginia Woolf's Life and Works
1.2 Mrs.Dalloway
Chapter 2 The Call of the Youth
2.1 Life in Bourton versus London
2.2 Sally Seton versus Lady Rosseter
2.3 Clarissa versus Mrs. Dalloway
Chapter 3 The Call of the Reason
3.1 Clarissa's Inner Conflict with Peter Walsh
3.2 Clarissa's Paradoxical Psychology with Mr. Dalloway
3.3 Madness and Reason
Chapter 4 The Call of the Ego
4.1 Feminist Thinking in Clarissa Dalloway
4.2 The Symbolic Meaning of the Party
4.3 Resistance of Heterosextual Love and Latent Lesbianism
Chapter 5 The Call of the Fairness
5.1 The Symbolic Meaning of Big Ben
5.2 Septimus Warren Smith's Tragedy
5.3 Septimus Warren Smith with His Psychiatrists
Chapter 6 Conclusion
Works Cited
【文章来源】:哈尔滨工程大学黑龙江省 211工程院校
【文章页数】:86 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Virginia Woolf's Life and Works
1.2 Mrs.Dalloway
Chapter 2 The Call of the Youth
2.1 Life in Bourton versus London
2.2 Sally Seton versus Lady Rosseter
2.3 Clarissa versus Mrs. Dalloway
Chapter 3 The Call of the Reason
3.1 Clarissa's Inner Conflict with Peter Walsh
3.2 Clarissa's Paradoxical Psychology with Mr. Dalloway
3.3 Madness and Reason
Chapter 4 The Call of the Ego
4.1 Feminist Thinking in Clarissa Dalloway
4.2 The Symbolic Meaning of the Party
4.3 Resistance of Heterosextual Love and Latent Lesbianism
Chapter 5 The Call of the Fairness
5.1 The Symbolic Meaning of Big Ben
5.2 Septimus Warren Smith's Tragedy
5.3 Septimus Warren Smith with His Psychiatrists
Chapter 6 Conclusion
Works Cited