发布时间:2021-11-22 12:58
【文章页数】:66 页
0.1 Introduction to Toni Morrison and A Mercy
0.2 Literature Review
0.3 Inferiority Feelings
0.4 The Significance of This Thesis
Chapter One The Origin of Inferiority Feelings
1.1 Abandonment by Parents
1.1.1 Florens’Nightmare of Being Abandoned by Her Mother
1.1.2 Jacob’s Being Deserted by His Father
1.1.3 Rebekka’s Being Sold by Her Parents
1.2 Suffering from the Living Environment
1.2.1 Sorrow’s Being Regarded as “Absent-minded”
1.2.2 Lina’s Being Regarded as “Heathen”
1.2.3 Willard and Scully’s Being Regarded as Weak
Chapter Two Compensation of the Inferiority Feelings
2.1 Direction of the Drive to One’s Own Person
2.1.1 Florens’Compensation by Longing for Love from Others
2.1.2 Sorrow’s Compensation by Sealing Herself Off
2.2 Displacement of the Drive to Another Goal
2.2.1 Lina’s Love to Florens
2.2.2 Willard and Scully’s Change of Their Sexual Orientation
2.2.3 Jacob’s Pursuit of a Grand House
2.3 Transformation of the Drive into its Opposite
Chapter Three Transcendence of the Inferiority Feelings
3.1 Florens’Transcendence by Being Spiritually Independent
3.1.1 Transcendence of Being Spiritually Independent
3.1.2 Transcendence by Confronting her Mother’s Abandonment
3.2 Sorrow’s Transcendence by Returning to the World as a Mother
3.3 Others’Failures in Transcending the Inferiority Feeling
[1]艾米莉·狄金森的自卑情结及其自我拯救[J]. 薛玉秀. 新乡学院学报(社会科学版). 2009(06)
[2]自卑与补偿——对《傲慢与偏见》中人物的心理解读[J]. 张丽. 广西师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版). 2009(02)
[3]历史语境下的追问——托妮·莫里森的新作《仁慈》[J]. 朱小琳. 外国文学动态. 2009(02)
[4]超越种族:莫里森新作《慈悲》中的“奴役”解析[J]. 王守仁,吴新云. 当代外国文学. 2009(02)
[5]对托尼·莫里森文学作品的剖析[J]. 赵光锋. 山东教育学院学报. 2009(02)
[6]论《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的自卑情结[J]. 张婷. 安徽文学(下半月). 2009(01)
[7]精神分析视角下的《最蓝的眼睛》解读[J]. 张春英,何江胜. 南京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版). 2007(03)
[8]论林黛玉的自卑及其超越[J]. 岑玲. 贵州民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版). 2003(06)
[9]’93诺贝尔文学奖得主——托尼·莫里森[J]. 一览. 世界博览. 1994(02)
[1]《欲望号街车》中布兰奇的错觉[D]. 肖宇香.中南大学 2009
[2]论《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的自卑情结[D]. 张婷.中南大学 2009
【文章页数】:66 页
0.1 Introduction to Toni Morrison and A Mercy
0.2 Literature Review
0.3 Inferiority Feelings
0.4 The Significance of This Thesis
Chapter One The Origin of Inferiority Feelings
1.1 Abandonment by Parents
1.1.1 Florens’Nightmare of Being Abandoned by Her Mother
1.1.2 Jacob’s Being Deserted by His Father
1.1.3 Rebekka’s Being Sold by Her Parents
1.2 Suffering from the Living Environment
1.2.1 Sorrow’s Being Regarded as “Absent-minded”
1.2.2 Lina’s Being Regarded as “Heathen”
1.2.3 Willard and Scully’s Being Regarded as Weak
Chapter Two Compensation of the Inferiority Feelings
2.1 Direction of the Drive to One’s Own Person
2.1.1 Florens’Compensation by Longing for Love from Others
2.1.2 Sorrow’s Compensation by Sealing Herself Off
2.2 Displacement of the Drive to Another Goal
2.2.1 Lina’s Love to Florens
2.2.2 Willard and Scully’s Change of Their Sexual Orientation
2.2.3 Jacob’s Pursuit of a Grand House
2.3 Transformation of the Drive into its Opposite
Chapter Three Transcendence of the Inferiority Feelings
3.1 Florens’Transcendence by Being Spiritually Independent
3.1.1 Transcendence of Being Spiritually Independent
3.1.2 Transcendence by Confronting her Mother’s Abandonment
3.2 Sorrow’s Transcendence by Returning to the World as a Mother
3.3 Others’Failures in Transcending the Inferiority Feeling
[1]艾米莉·狄金森的自卑情结及其自我拯救[J]. 薛玉秀. 新乡学院学报(社会科学版). 2009(06)
[2]自卑与补偿——对《傲慢与偏见》中人物的心理解读[J]. 张丽. 广西师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版). 2009(02)
[3]历史语境下的追问——托妮·莫里森的新作《仁慈》[J]. 朱小琳. 外国文学动态. 2009(02)
[4]超越种族:莫里森新作《慈悲》中的“奴役”解析[J]. 王守仁,吴新云. 当代外国文学. 2009(02)
[5]对托尼·莫里森文学作品的剖析[J]. 赵光锋. 山东教育学院学报. 2009(02)
[6]论《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的自卑情结[J]. 张婷. 安徽文学(下半月). 2009(01)
[7]精神分析视角下的《最蓝的眼睛》解读[J]. 张春英,何江胜. 南京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版). 2007(03)
[8]论林黛玉的自卑及其超越[J]. 岑玲. 贵州民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版). 2003(06)
[9]’93诺贝尔文学奖得主——托尼·莫里森[J]. 一览. 世界博览. 1994(02)
[1]《欲望号街车》中布兰奇的错觉[D]. 肖宇香.中南大学 2009
[2]论《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的自卑情结[D]. 张婷.中南大学 2009