发布时间:2022-01-08 02:05
【文章页数】:55 页
1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction to Eugene O'Neill
1.2 Eugene O'Neill's Awareness of Spiritual Ecology
1.3 Significance of the Research
2 Literature Review and Problems
2.1 Literature Review on O'Neill Studies
2.1.1 Studies on Eugene O'Neill Abroad
2.1.2 Studies on Eugene O'Neill at Home
2.1.3 Problems in Studies
2.2 Literature Review on Ecology and Spiritual Ecology Studies
2.2.1 Ecology and Ecocriticism
2.2.2 Studies on Spiritual Ecology Abroad
2.2.3 Studies on Spiritual Ecology at Home
2.3 Summary and Layout
3 Source of O'Neill's Tragic Set of Mind and Awareness of Spiritual Ecology
3.1 Culture and Literature's Inward Turning
3.1.1 Changes to Philosophy and Modern Culture
3.1.2 New Orientations in Drama
3.1.3 Tragedy's Inward Turning and Spiritual Ecology
3.2 Causes for O'Neill's Tragedy Writing
3.2.1 Social Reality and Personal Experience
3.2.2 Tragedy's Social Functions
3.2.3 Nature of Tragedy
3.3 O'Neill's Tragedies and Awareness of Spiritual Ecology
3.3.1 General Introduction to O'Neill's Tragedy Writing
3.3.2 O'Neill's Psychological Tragedies and Awareness of Spiritual Ecology
4 Awareness of Spiritual Ecology Presented in O'Neill's Works
4.1 The Hairy Ape
4.1.1 Alienation
4.1.2 Disharmony
4.1.3 Identical Life Style
4.2 Desire under the Elms
4.2.1 Desire for Money
4.2.2 Desire for Love and Freedom
4.3 Hughie
4.3.1 Vacuous Life
4.3.2 Incompetent Behavior
5 Conclusion
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Limitations
5.3 Suggestions
APPendixA Pubilcation
[1]美国文学研究新方向:1980—2002[J]. 埃默里·埃利奥特,克莱格·萨旺金,王祖友. 当代外国文学. 2007(04)
[2]“人”的符号学意义——尤金·奥尼尔悲剧创作的人本主题[J]. 杨捷. 四川外语学院学报. 2005(05)
[3]中美文化交流的杰出使者──纪念尤金·奥尼尔逝世50周年[J]. 刘海平. 外国文学研究. 2003(04)
[4]心灵的戏剧——20世纪西方戏剧发展态势之二[J]. 陈世雄. 中国戏剧. 2001(03)
[5]告别诗的残局:西部文学的精神生态研究[J]. 邵宁宁. 飞天. 2000(06)
[6]荒谬世界中的生存之路——论奥尼尔晚期剧作对存在基本问题的回答[J]. 邹惠玲. 徐州师范大学学报. 1999(03)
[7]从艺术心理到精神生态[J]. 鲁枢元,夏中义. 文艺理论研究. 1996(05)
【文章页数】:55 页
1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction to Eugene O'Neill
1.2 Eugene O'Neill's Awareness of Spiritual Ecology
1.3 Significance of the Research
2 Literature Review and Problems
2.1 Literature Review on O'Neill Studies
2.1.1 Studies on Eugene O'Neill Abroad
2.1.2 Studies on Eugene O'Neill at Home
2.1.3 Problems in Studies
2.2 Literature Review on Ecology and Spiritual Ecology Studies
2.2.1 Ecology and Ecocriticism
2.2.2 Studies on Spiritual Ecology Abroad
2.2.3 Studies on Spiritual Ecology at Home
2.3 Summary and Layout
3 Source of O'Neill's Tragic Set of Mind and Awareness of Spiritual Ecology
3.1 Culture and Literature's Inward Turning
3.1.1 Changes to Philosophy and Modern Culture
3.1.2 New Orientations in Drama
3.1.3 Tragedy's Inward Turning and Spiritual Ecology
3.2 Causes for O'Neill's Tragedy Writing
3.2.1 Social Reality and Personal Experience
3.2.2 Tragedy's Social Functions
3.2.3 Nature of Tragedy
3.3 O'Neill's Tragedies and Awareness of Spiritual Ecology
3.3.1 General Introduction to O'Neill's Tragedy Writing
3.3.2 O'Neill's Psychological Tragedies and Awareness of Spiritual Ecology
4 Awareness of Spiritual Ecology Presented in O'Neill's Works
4.1 The Hairy Ape
4.1.1 Alienation
4.1.2 Disharmony
4.1.3 Identical Life Style
4.2 Desire under the Elms
4.2.1 Desire for Money
4.2.2 Desire for Love and Freedom
4.3 Hughie
4.3.1 Vacuous Life
4.3.2 Incompetent Behavior
5 Conclusion
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Limitations
5.3 Suggestions
APPendixA Pubilcation
[1]美国文学研究新方向:1980—2002[J]. 埃默里·埃利奥特,克莱格·萨旺金,王祖友. 当代外国文学. 2007(04)
[2]“人”的符号学意义——尤金·奥尼尔悲剧创作的人本主题[J]. 杨捷. 四川外语学院学报. 2005(05)
[3]中美文化交流的杰出使者──纪念尤金·奥尼尔逝世50周年[J]. 刘海平. 外国文学研究. 2003(04)
[4]心灵的戏剧——20世纪西方戏剧发展态势之二[J]. 陈世雄. 中国戏剧. 2001(03)
[5]告别诗的残局:西部文学的精神生态研究[J]. 邵宁宁. 飞天. 2000(06)
[6]荒谬世界中的生存之路——论奥尼尔晚期剧作对存在基本问题的回答[J]. 邹惠玲. 徐州师范大学学报. 1999(03)
[7]从艺术心理到精神生态[J]. 鲁枢元,夏中义. 文艺理论研究. 1996(05)