To Restrain or to Release: Interpreting the Character of Dr.
发布时间:2022-01-23 15:50
《化身博士》是英国十九世纪新浪漫主义派的代表小说家罗伯特?刘易斯?史蒂文森(Robert Louis Stevenson)的小说。小说的主人公杰基尔是个受人敬仰和尊重的医生,却秘密地进行释放身体里的另一个自己的研究。他最终研究出了一种药水,喝完之后,他变成了暴戾凶残的海德。他内心渴望而不敢实现的想法,在变成海德后,全部由海德实现。借助药水,既可以维持杰基尔的形象,又可以将内心压抑着的想法释放出来。纳博科夫认为,杰基尔是个复合型的人,海德不是由纯粹的恶的因素构成的,另外还有一个由纯粹的善的因素组成的第三个人存在。根据人格系统理论,杰基尔是代表理性、受外界影响、按照“现实原则”活动的自我;海德是不受任何拘束、按照“快乐原则”活动的本我;那第三个人则与代表社会道德标准、按照“至善原则”活动的超我相对等。在正常的情况下,这三个部分是统一的,相互协调。当这三者失去平衡发生冲突时,即导致精神病症和人格异常。本文立足于纳博科夫对杰基尔的分析,运用精神分析批评中的人格系统理论详细地分析了杰基尔内心的矛盾与冲突,解读其心理机制。海德被杰基尔压制着,但杰基尔通过喝药将其释放出来,海德快乐而又兴奋地做他想做...
【文章页数】:54 页
Chapter ⅠIntroduction
Chapter ⅡThe Dramatical Time and Its betrayer in Literature
A. T he Dramatical Background of the 19~(th) Century
1. H istory Background
2. L iterature Background
B. T he betrayer in his living Background
1. R.L.5 tevenson the Man
2. R.L.5 tevenson the Writer: the betrayer of the main literary schools
1) A Versatile Writer
2) Stevenson’s Principles of Creating
Chapter Ⅲ. The Character Analysis of Dr. Jekyll
A. T he Writing of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
1. T he Preparation
2. T he Theme
B. P revious Analysis of Dr. Jekyll by Scholars
1. G ood Dr. Jekyll and Evil Mr. Hyde
2. D ual Personality
3. C omposite Being
C. T he Analysis of Dr. Jekyll from the Perspective of Psychoanalytical Criticism
1. T heory: the Structure of Personality
2. C ontradiction: Id, Ego, and Superego in Dr. Jekyll
1) The Release of the Id
2) The Struggles among the Id, the Ego, and the Superego
3) The Ruin of the Ego
Chapter Ⅳ. Conclusion
[1]本我与超我的斗争导致的人格异常——解读《化身博士》中的杰基尔[J]. 李仙. 牡丹江大学学报. 2009(04)
[2]野性的规训——解读R.L.斯蒂文森的《化身博士》[J]. 陈榕. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2007(03)
[3]俊丑两种面目 善恶双重人格──斯蒂文森与《化身博士》[J]. 尹传红. 中国科技月报. 2000(09)
[1]如影随形[D]. 仇榕.南京师范大学 2005
【文章页数】:54 页
Chapter ⅠIntroduction
Chapter ⅡThe Dramatical Time and Its betrayer in Literature
A. T he Dramatical Background of the 19~(th) Century
1. H istory Background
2. L iterature Background
B. T he betrayer in his living Background
1. R.L.5 tevenson the Man
2. R.L.5 tevenson the Writer: the betrayer of the main literary schools
1) A Versatile Writer
2) Stevenson’s Principles of Creating
Chapter Ⅲ. The Character Analysis of Dr. Jekyll
A. T he Writing of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
1. T he Preparation
2. T he Theme
B. P revious Analysis of Dr. Jekyll by Scholars
1. G ood Dr. Jekyll and Evil Mr. Hyde
2. D ual Personality
3. C omposite Being
C. T he Analysis of Dr. Jekyll from the Perspective of Psychoanalytical Criticism
1. T heory: the Structure of Personality
2. C ontradiction: Id, Ego, and Superego in Dr. Jekyll
1) The Release of the Id
2) The Struggles among the Id, the Ego, and the Superego
3) The Ruin of the Ego
Chapter Ⅳ. Conclusion
[1]本我与超我的斗争导致的人格异常——解读《化身博士》中的杰基尔[J]. 李仙. 牡丹江大学学报. 2009(04)
[2]野性的规训——解读R.L.斯蒂文森的《化身博士》[J]. 陈榕. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2007(03)
[3]俊丑两种面目 善恶双重人格──斯蒂文森与《化身博士》[J]. 尹传红. 中国科技月报. 2000(09)
[1]如影随形[D]. 仇榕.南京师范大学 2005