发布时间:2022-01-24 07:45
【文章页数】:61 页
0.1 Poe's Short Tales
0.2 Research Both Abroad and in China
0.3 Research Significance and Arrangement of Content
Chapter One The Effect of Poe's Tales
1.1 The Effect of Eerie Atmosphere in Poe's Gothic Stories
1.2 The Effect of Author-Reader Cooperation in Poe's Ratiocinative Stories
1.3 The Effect of Irrational Act in Poe's Stories of Psychotic Personality
Chapter Two Effective Themes of Poe's Tales
2.1 Living Death as the Theme of "Ligeia"
2.2 Love vs. Hate as the Theme of "The Tell-Tale Heart"
2.3 Self vs. Alter Ego as the Theme of "William Wilson"
Chapter Three Effective Setting of Poe's Tales
3.1 Effect of Closed Environment
3.1.1 The Halls in "The Mask of the Red death"
3.1.2 The Old Mansion in "The Fall of the House of Usher"
3.2 Adoption of Gothic Elements
3.2.1 The Bridal Chamber in "Ligeia"
3.2.2 Wilson's Homeland in "William Wilson"
Chapter Four Effective Characters of Poe's Tales
4.1 First Person Narrator
4.1.1 The Narrator in "The Purloined Letter"
4.1.2 The Narrator in "The Black Cat"
4.2 Characters as Divided Selves
4.2.1 Roderick and Madeline Usher in "The Fall of the House of Usher"
4.2.2 The Two Wilsons in "William Wilson"
Informative Chinese Abstract
Resume and Publications since Entering the Program
[1]爱伦·坡的效果美学论略[J]. 朱振武. 外国文学评论. 2007(03)
[2]当代美国爱伦·坡研究新走势[J]. 朱振武,杨婷. 当代外国文学. 2006(04)
[3]从“效果说”看爱伦·坡作品主题的艺术表现构架[J]. 曹曼. 外国文学研究. 2005(03)
[4]小说人称的叙述功能[J]. 黄希云. 外国文学评论. 1996(04)
【文章页数】:61 页
0.1 Poe's Short Tales
0.2 Research Both Abroad and in China
0.3 Research Significance and Arrangement of Content
Chapter One The Effect of Poe's Tales
1.1 The Effect of Eerie Atmosphere in Poe's Gothic Stories
1.2 The Effect of Author-Reader Cooperation in Poe's Ratiocinative Stories
1.3 The Effect of Irrational Act in Poe's Stories of Psychotic Personality
Chapter Two Effective Themes of Poe's Tales
2.1 Living Death as the Theme of "Ligeia"
2.2 Love vs. Hate as the Theme of "The Tell-Tale Heart"
2.3 Self vs. Alter Ego as the Theme of "William Wilson"
Chapter Three Effective Setting of Poe's Tales
3.1 Effect of Closed Environment
3.1.1 The Halls in "The Mask of the Red death"
3.1.2 The Old Mansion in "The Fall of the House of Usher"
3.2 Adoption of Gothic Elements
3.2.1 The Bridal Chamber in "Ligeia"
3.2.2 Wilson's Homeland in "William Wilson"
Chapter Four Effective Characters of Poe's Tales
4.1 First Person Narrator
4.1.1 The Narrator in "The Purloined Letter"
4.1.2 The Narrator in "The Black Cat"
4.2 Characters as Divided Selves
4.2.1 Roderick and Madeline Usher in "The Fall of the House of Usher"
4.2.2 The Two Wilsons in "William Wilson"
Informative Chinese Abstract
Resume and Publications since Entering the Program
[1]爱伦·坡的效果美学论略[J]. 朱振武. 外国文学评论. 2007(03)
[2]当代美国爱伦·坡研究新走势[J]. 朱振武,杨婷. 当代外国文学. 2006(04)
[3]从“效果说”看爱伦·坡作品主题的艺术表现构架[J]. 曹曼. 外国文学研究. 2005(03)
[4]小说人称的叙述功能[J]. 黄希云. 外国文学评论. 1996(04)