发布时间:2023-02-26 00:50
澳大利亚女作家考琳·麦卡洛的代表作《荆棘鸟》和美国女作家玛格丽特·米切尔的代表作《飘》被公认为爱情小说的经典之作。两部作品虽然写于不同时代和不同地域,但是有着不少相似之处,例如细致入微的女性语言和个性鲜明的人物形象等,尤其是两者流露出的女性意识。我国目前评论两者相似性的研究成果较少,特别在这两部作品女性意识相似性研究方面比较单薄。 本文以女性意识研究为基础,首先阐述了女性意识的概念和历史起源,指出女性意识是女性在客观世界中对自身地位、作用和价值的自觉意识;接着分析了两部作品中女主人公们的女性意识并总结出她们的共同点:即她们都是其所在时代反抗男权压制、追求真爱、实现自我价值和具有反抗精神的女性缩影;她们女性意识的发展都经历了一个从迷失到探求,再到逐渐觉醒的过程。 本文通过对两部小说中女性意识相似性的分析和总结,有助于加深读者对两部作品女性意识的认识,填补了在这两部小说女性意识相似性研究方面的空白。
【文章页数】:34 页
Abstract in Chinese
Abstract in English
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Female Consciousness
2.1 The Definition of Female Consciousness
2.2 The Rise of Female Consciousness
2.3 The Understanding of Female Consciousness
Chapter 3 The Authors and Their Works
3.1 Colleen McCullough and The Thorn Birds
3.2 Margaret Mitchell and Gone with the Wind
Chapter 4 The Similarities of Female Consciousness in Two Novels
4.1 The Reflection of Female Consciousness in Two Novels
4.1.1 Female Consciousness in The Thorn Birds Fiona, a Grieved Fair Lady Meggie, a Charming Persistent Woman Justin, a Rebellious Passionate Modern Female
4.1.2 Female Consciousness in Gone with the Wind
4.2 The Similarities of Female Consciousness in Two Novels
4.2.1 On Characteristics
4.2.2 On Development of Female Consciousness
Chapter 5 Conclusion
Papers Published in Postgraduate Stage
【文章页数】:34 页
Abstract in Chinese
Abstract in English
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Female Consciousness
2.1 The Definition of Female Consciousness
2.2 The Rise of Female Consciousness
2.3 The Understanding of Female Consciousness
Chapter 3 The Authors and Their Works
3.1 Colleen McCullough and The Thorn Birds
3.2 Margaret Mitchell and Gone with the Wind
Chapter 4 The Similarities of Female Consciousness in Two Novels
4.1 The Reflection of Female Consciousness in Two Novels
4.1.1 Female Consciousness in The Thorn Birds Fiona, a Grieved Fair Lady Meggie, a Charming Persistent Woman Justin, a Rebellious Passionate Modern Female
4.1.2 Female Consciousness in Gone with the Wind
4.2 The Similarities of Female Consciousness in Two Novels
4.2.1 On Characteristics
4.2.2 On Development of Female Consciousness
Chapter 5 Conclusion
Papers Published in Postgraduate Stage