发布时间:2023-04-27 04:35
作为欧洲文学史上少数几个杰出的作家之一,莎士比亚在欧洲文学史上是一个里程碑式的人物。诚如他同时代的本·琼生所说,他“是时代的灵魂”。作为一个划时代的作家,他“不属于一个时代而属于所有的世纪”。近些年来,东西方莎士比亚批评浩若烟海,信手拈来,这正是莎翁魅力所在。如果说一千个读者就有一千个哈姆雷特,那么一千个读者也就有一千个莎士比亚。尤其20世纪中后期以来,莎翁批评更是流派纷呈,一片繁荣。但是,大多数批评要么集中在莎翁的理论创作上,要么集中在莎翁单个作品上而且重点刻画的基本是男性主人公,女性形象的分析通常被边缘化了。 本文以当代女性主义批评家爱莲娜·肖瓦尔特提出的“女性主义批评”和“妇女批评学”为基本理论依据,致力于莎翁作品中女性形象的分析,并重新评价其文学价值和现实意义。 本文共六部分。导论简单提及莎翁生平及简要介绍文中所涉及的三部悲剧作品以及相关的研究现状。最后,论文给出本文研究的意义和主旨。通过对朱丽叶、苔丝狄梦娜以及麦克白夫人的分析,分析其悲剧原因,揭示他们是女性不同发展时期的不同角色,却同样从属于身边的男人,导致了悲剧的产生。 第一章集中讨论朱丽叶。作为女朋友的朱丽叶,她美丽,纯...
【文章页数】:69 页
Chapter One Lover---Juliet
1.1 Attitude towards Love---out of Nature
1.2 Image of Juliet---Angelic Lover
1.3 Characterization of Juliet
1.3.1 Feminie Attribute of Chastity
1.3.2 Feminie Attribute of Selflessness
1.3.3 Feminie Attribute of Submission
1.4 Influence on Today's Female
1.4.1 Positive Influence
1.4.2 Negative Influence
Chapter two Wife---Desdemona
2.1 Attitude towards Love---out of Soul
2.2 Image of Desdemona---Faithful Lady
2.3 Characterization of Desdemona
2.3.1 Feminine Attribute of Chastity
2.3.2 Feminine Attributes of Selflessness
2.3.3 Feminine Attributes of Submission
2.4 Influence on Today's Females
2.4.1 Positive Influence
2.4.2 Negative Influence
Chapter Three Soulmate---Lady Macbeth
3.1 Attitude towards Love---out of Responsibility
3.2 Image of Lady Macbeth---Assistant Lifepartner
3.3 Characterization of Lady Macbeth
3.3.1 Feminie Attribute of Chastity
3.3.2 Feminie Attribute of Selflessness
3.3.3 Feminie Attribute of Submission
3.4 Influence on Today's Female
3.4.1 Positive Influence
3.4.2 Negative Influence
Chapter Four Deep Reflection of Triadic Unity
4.1 Embodiment of Triadic Unity
4.1.1 New Woman in Humanism
4.1.2 A Growing-up Process
4.2 Reasons of Triadic Unity
4.2.1 Internal Reasons
4.2.2 External Reasons
【文章页数】:69 页
Chapter One Lover---Juliet
1.1 Attitude towards Love---out of Nature
1.2 Image of Juliet---Angelic Lover
1.3 Characterization of Juliet
1.3.1 Feminie Attribute of Chastity
1.3.2 Feminie Attribute of Selflessness
1.3.3 Feminie Attribute of Submission
1.4 Influence on Today's Female
1.4.1 Positive Influence
1.4.2 Negative Influence
Chapter two Wife---Desdemona
2.1 Attitude towards Love---out of Soul
2.2 Image of Desdemona---Faithful Lady
2.3 Characterization of Desdemona
2.3.1 Feminine Attribute of Chastity
2.3.2 Feminine Attributes of Selflessness
2.3.3 Feminine Attributes of Submission
2.4 Influence on Today's Females
2.4.1 Positive Influence
2.4.2 Negative Influence
Chapter Three Soulmate---Lady Macbeth
3.1 Attitude towards Love---out of Responsibility
3.2 Image of Lady Macbeth---Assistant Lifepartner
3.3 Characterization of Lady Macbeth
3.3.1 Feminie Attribute of Chastity
3.3.2 Feminie Attribute of Selflessness
3.3.3 Feminie Attribute of Submission
3.4 Influence on Today's Female
3.4.1 Positive Influence
3.4.2 Negative Influence
Chapter Four Deep Reflection of Triadic Unity
4.1 Embodiment of Triadic Unity
4.1.1 New Woman in Humanism
4.1.2 A Growing-up Process
4.2 Reasons of Triadic Unity
4.2.1 Internal Reasons
4.2.2 External Reasons