发布时间:2023-05-07 21:16
十九世纪末期的维多利亚社会,因其顽固而僵硬的维多利亚道德,矛盾重重,不可避免地显示出滞后性和消极性。加之奥斯卡·王尔德本人独特的“边缘”性体验,在整个社会与道德的约束中,只能在创作中突破其界限。王尔德以怪诞、闹剧的形式暗示社会问题,在其作品中,真理与假象、理性与幻想相互交织,把读者从固定的习惯与逻辑中解放出来,达到内容、风格、形式的狂欢。本文以巴赫金的狂欢理论为依托,结合维多利亚晚期的时代背景,与王尔德本人的个人体验,挖掘王尔德主要作品中的狂欢因素,揭示蕴含在其中深刻的狂欢内涵。 本文主要从四个方面进行层层论述,来证明王尔德艺术创作的狂欢化。第一部分以“狂欢”为线索,对西方文学史上“狂欢化”文学传统进行了简单梳理。尼采的“酒神精神”作为“非理性”的重要体现,与巴赫金的“狂欢”精神密切相连。起源于古希腊时期的酒神祭祀的古希腊戏剧,因此具有狂欢仪式的宗教内涵,达到狂欢化文学的第一个繁荣。到了文艺复兴时期,伴随着人文主义精神,狂欢仪式进一步繁荣成为人们摆脱中世纪宗教神学的束缚,实现了除了文学、艺术之外的生活的狂欢化,这一时期的代表就是莎士比亚这样世界级的大师。本文进而提出由于17、18世纪理...
【文章页数】:64 页
Notes on Abbreviations
Chapter One Carnival:the Literary Tradition under Bakhtin's Cultural Field of View
Ⅰ. Carnival at the Dionysia period:the carnival origin of Western Literature
Ⅱ. Carnival at the Renaissance period:the second prosperity of carnivalization of literature
Ⅲ. Carnival's renewal at the modern times, with Oscar Wilde as the forerunner
Chapter Two A Lonely Carnival Figure at the Victorian Age
Ⅰ. The late Victorian Age:at the edge of carnival
A. The social situation of the late Victorian Age
B. The influence of Aestheticism
Ⅱ. Oscar Wilde:a lonely carnival figure
A. Oscar Wilde's own marginalized experience both as an Irish and a gay
B. Oscar Wilde's Aesthetic viewpoints
Chapter Three Dorian Gray:One Person's Carnival
Ⅰ. The grotesque image of the body
Ⅱ. The carnival image of mask
Ⅲ. The carnival experience reflected in Dorian Gray
Chapter Four Carnival of a Group of People
Ⅰ. The carnival of form and content of Wilde's plays
Ⅱ. The collective carnival of dandies in Oscar Wilde's dramatic aesthetic world
Ⅲ. The decrowning of sexuality and marriage
Works Cited
【文章页数】:64 页
Notes on Abbreviations
Chapter One Carnival:the Literary Tradition under Bakhtin's Cultural Field of View
Ⅰ. Carnival at the Dionysia period:the carnival origin of Western Literature
Ⅱ. Carnival at the Renaissance period:the second prosperity of carnivalization of literature
Ⅲ. Carnival's renewal at the modern times, with Oscar Wilde as the forerunner
Chapter Two A Lonely Carnival Figure at the Victorian Age
Ⅰ. The late Victorian Age:at the edge of carnival
A. The social situation of the late Victorian Age
B. The influence of Aestheticism
Ⅱ. Oscar Wilde:a lonely carnival figure
A. Oscar Wilde's own marginalized experience both as an Irish and a gay
B. Oscar Wilde's Aesthetic viewpoints
Chapter Three Dorian Gray:One Person's Carnival
Ⅰ. The grotesque image of the body
Ⅱ. The carnival image of mask
Ⅲ. The carnival experience reflected in Dorian Gray
Chapter Four Carnival of a Group of People
Ⅰ. The carnival of form and content of Wilde's plays
Ⅱ. The collective carnival of dandies in Oscar Wilde's dramatic aesthetic world
Ⅲ. The decrowning of sexuality and marriage
Works Cited