发布时间:2024-01-15 20:17
库尔特·冯内古特是美国当代文坛上颇具影响的作家,其创作生涯跨越了大半个世纪。作为二战后黑色幽默文学的代表,从二十世纪五十年代起,他就拥有广泛的读者群。1969年后陆续发表的《五号屠场》、《冠军早餐》、《囚鸟》等后现代主义文学作品正式奠定了他在小说界的地位,也使他成为了后现代主义作家的典型代表。后现代主义文学摒弃了传统小说创作原则,在作品的情节内容上,具有明显的虚构性与荒诞性特征。在艺术手法上,注重艺术形式与艺术技巧的创新,表现出随意性、不确定性的特征。 本文以后现代主义元小说创作理论为理论基础,介绍了拼贴艺术的起源及相关的概念,特别是拼贴艺术在元小说创作中的应用,并且以冯内古特的多部作品为例证。全文共分为五个部分,重点介绍了后现代主义元小说的叙事策略,具体分析了冯内古特诸多拼贴艺术中的时空拼贴、叙评拼贴、版式拼贴、雅俗拼贴等在《五号屠场》,《冠军早餐》,《时震》中的应用,从而探讨拼贴这一艺术是如何为解读主题服务的。
【文章页数】:59 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Purpose of the Study
1.2 The Background of the Present Study
1.3 The Organization of the Thesis
1.4 The Creative Point of the Thesis
Chapter Two Theoretical Analysis of Post-modernist Metafiction
2.1 The Definitions of Post-modernism
2.2 The Definitions of Metafiction
2.3 The Features of Metafiction
2.3.1 The Prominent Dialogue Potential
2.3.2 The Exposure of the Difference between Art and Reality
2.3.3 The Combination of Narration and Comment
2.3.4 Relationships between Author and Characters
2.3.5 Relationships between Author and Readers
2.4 The Narrative Strategies of Metafiction
2.4.1 Exposing the Author's Identification
2.4.2 Parody
2.4.3 Collage
Chapter Three Collage
3.1 The Definition of Collage
3.2 The Origin and Features of Collage
3.3 The Applications of Collage in Literature
3.3.1 The Definition of Literature Collage
3.3.2 The Applications of Collage by Modernist and Post-modernist Novelists
3.3.3 Western Scholars' Views of Literature Collage
Chapter Four The Applications of Collage Art in Kurt Vonnegut's Post-modernist Metafiction
4.1 Life and Main Works of Vonnegut
4.1.1 Life of Vonnegut
4.1.2 Main Works of Vonnegut
4.2 The Narrative Strategies of Vonnegut's Post-modernist Metafiction
4.2.1 Popularization Trend
4.2.2 Absurdity
4.2.3 Fictionality
4.2.4 Fragmentation
4.3 The Applications of Collage in Kurt Vonnegut's Post-modernist Metafiction
4.3.1 The Space-Time Collage
4.3.2 The Narration and Comment Collage
4.3.3 The Stylistic Collage
4.3.4 The Layout Collage
4.3.5 The Vulgar and Elegant Collage
4.3.6 The Fiction and Reality Collage
4.3.7 The Research Significance of Collage
Chapter Five Conclusion
【文章页数】:59 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Purpose of the Study
1.2 The Background of the Present Study
1.3 The Organization of the Thesis
1.4 The Creative Point of the Thesis
Chapter Two Theoretical Analysis of Post-modernist Metafiction
2.1 The Definitions of Post-modernism
2.2 The Definitions of Metafiction
2.3 The Features of Metafiction
2.3.1 The Prominent Dialogue Potential
2.3.2 The Exposure of the Difference between Art and Reality
2.3.3 The Combination of Narration and Comment
2.3.4 Relationships between Author and Characters
2.3.5 Relationships between Author and Readers
2.4 The Narrative Strategies of Metafiction
2.4.1 Exposing the Author's Identification
2.4.2 Parody
2.4.3 Collage
Chapter Three Collage
3.1 The Definition of Collage
3.2 The Origin and Features of Collage
3.3 The Applications of Collage in Literature
3.3.1 The Definition of Literature Collage
3.3.2 The Applications of Collage by Modernist and Post-modernist Novelists
3.3.3 Western Scholars' Views of Literature Collage
Chapter Four The Applications of Collage Art in Kurt Vonnegut's Post-modernist Metafiction
4.1 Life and Main Works of Vonnegut
4.1.1 Life of Vonnegut
4.1.2 Main Works of Vonnegut
4.2 The Narrative Strategies of Vonnegut's Post-modernist Metafiction
4.2.1 Popularization Trend
4.2.2 Absurdity
4.2.3 Fictionality
4.2.4 Fragmentation
4.3 The Applications of Collage in Kurt Vonnegut's Post-modernist Metafiction
4.3.1 The Space-Time Collage
4.3.2 The Narration and Comment Collage
4.3.3 The Stylistic Collage
4.3.4 The Layout Collage
4.3.5 The Vulgar and Elegant Collage
4.3.6 The Fiction and Reality Collage
4.3.7 The Research Significance of Collage
Chapter Five Conclusion